Explaining the election outcome to a 7-year-old

Conversation today:

  • 7-year-old: Who won the election?
  • Adult: Joe Biden
  • 7-year-old: Why?
  • Adult: He promised to stop the coronavirus from infecting Americans.
  • 7-year-old, bewildered expression: How?
  • Adult: That is a great question.

22 thoughts on “Explaining the election outcome to a 7-year-old

  1. #1 Media begins publishing stories about the downsides of the lockdown. The NY Times is already doing this. (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/06/nyregion/nyc-remote-learning.html)

    #2 In a few weeks, stories begin to appear about how Coronavirus mainly effects the elderly and already-sick.

    #3 In a few more weeks, the media begins explaining to people how treatments for the virus are much more successful than back in March. (Witness DJT’s recovery.)

    #4 Then the media explains how the lockdowns aren’t just inconvenient, but dangerous/deadly due to indirect causes (drugs/domestic abuse/unemployment/etc)

    #5 A month or so after Biden’s inauguration, there will be a coordinated push by the media explaining that due to “superior management” and “science-listening skills”, the Biden administration has beaten the Coronavirus, and we can all go back to normal. Also, we can lift any immigration/refugee restrictions still in place.

    That’s how.

    • #6 Nine months into Biden’s precedency, Precedent Biden will be award the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine.

    • Well it is true that if everyone just wore masks and were careful about social distancing much of the need for a lockdown would go away. Whether the new administration can reverse the poisoning of that well by Trump (and this blog for that matter) remains to be seen.

    • @Wally W: What confidence do you have that Joe Biden can do in the United States what countries like Britain and Italy have failed to do, with all the (stricter) measures they’ve implemented?

    • @Wally, I agree with you 100%. What went wrong is our politician and media run a 24×7 blitz of how dangerous COVID-19 is and how we will die from it if anyone in our family or friend got infected.

      Our governors issues lockdown, shutdown and mask wearing orders to stop the waves of death that we are going to face.

      Our media run daily reports of how infections is going up with no end in sight and how many of us are ignoring government orders and partying into the night.

      What our government should have done is issue orders to the media to run a 24×7 educational programs on how to properly wear a mask and when, on how to properly keep clean and when to wash our hands, and how to take a step back and not to get panic if we got infected — instead, they used panic techniques to stop the unstoppable: infections will keep going up.

  2. Philip, you tell that little lady not to worry.

    She’s a little too young to understand, but in nine or ten years she’ll be perfect. In the meantime, just tell her that when Uncle Joe used to cruise over to Ocean City and Rehoboth Beach for the summer in his ’81 Trans Am Turbo, he’d just open up the t-tops and pop this bootleg from the Texxas Jam Festival from June of ’79 into the Pioneer. He got that tape from some roadie pals of his from Nazareth. Man, what a concert! Boston, Heart, Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, Nazareth, Blue Öyster Cult *and* TKO! If it wasn’t there, it wasn’t music back in ’79. We rocked the whole weekend away, and a couple of 12-packs did the trick to get the “unofficial recording” of the concert, know what I mean?

    Well anyway, with that tape in the deck, there was no problem too big to solve, no road too long to drive, and plenty of room in the back seat for all the ladies who needed a ride. So don’t you worry.

  3. Maybe he’ll start fining people $250 if they leave their homes without a “reasonable excuse.”

    “Former Conservative Party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith warned that the government had gone “too far” and the powers given to police had gone beyond the concept of the public allowing policing by consent.

    “We’ve gone too far, way too far, and we’ve got to stop it. We’re turning into a kind of police state. It’s bad for the police and bad for the public. The police police by consent – this is way past consent,” Sir Iain said.”


  4. I see todays news says one of the vaccines has proven to be 90 percent effective and the manufacturer (pfizer?) is applying for emergency permission to release for widespread distribution. Hmm, didn’t DJT promise a vaccine ‘later this year’ and ‘Soon’. Didn’t the loyal opposition and the medical establishment phoo-phoo this timeline and said it would be next year sometime before a viable vaccine would be available? Is this another “october surprise”? Seems interesting to me that this is announced 2 days after DJT is relegated to the x-presidents club.

    • Joe, maybe they’re just so inspired by the thought of President Biden!

      Perhaps I’m over cautious but for a vaccine released under “emergency” permission I’m willing to let others enjoy its benefits ahead of me. Only for a short time… say 20 years or so.

  5. To my mind this blog post and the responses epitomizes the binary fallacy. While it was an important part of their platform, I fail to see any justification for the assertion that Biden/Harris campaigned exclusively on responding to the Coronavirus situation. It’s certainly the case that he didn’t promise anything like an instant solution. Nor do I believe the press is suddenly going to drop the Coronavirus issue, it’s headline news again, once the election furor dies down. What Biden has done already is appoint an expert C-19 task force, They will struggle to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, which is a true global crisis despite everything said here. As for new stories about 90% effective vaccines, sounds pretty promising, but I don’t for a minute believe that this will be available broadly anything like by the end of 2020. Distribution and administration will no doubt be tackled by said task force after 20 January, And Trump nor Biden have any right to claim any credit for enabling the science that led to this putative breakthrough.

    This blog is, in fact, chock full of binary assertions about all manner of topics from mask use to Tesla’s competitive position, designed I believe to stimulate argument in the comment section, rather than actual productive discussion.

    • Perhaps ‘anonymous’ could graciously invite the commenters along with philg to his/her/zher blog which presumably is “chock full” of actual productive discussion… Oh, wait. Never mind.

    • Oh, come on. This blog is open for comment, so I made one. There is no requirement to offer an improved platform, or disclose one’s identity.

      It is trivial and not productive to attribute to Biden things he never said, then take him down for saying them. Would someone care to point us to where it is documented by quotation or video clip that Biden (or Harris, or Fauci, or anyone on the new Task Force) “promised to stop the coronavirus from infecting Americans”?

  6. I’m just waiting for Rachael Maddow and the NYT to trumpet the news that the Biden administration has discovered that HCQ works as an effective antiviral in high-risk corona patients when administered early.

  7. Tell the 7 year old that the President is a role model for all, especially if you want to be a winner. Explain that when something isn’t going your way in life, say at work, maybe a poor test result at school, or a little league game or soccer match, just declare that it’s because of fraud and/or cheating.

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