10 thoughts on “Our neighbors have stopped hoarding…”
Everyone has surrendered. Actually now that the Cavalry (vaccine) is almost here, people are thinking they have enough already horded from the last 1 or 2 sprees to last until they get the magic elixir.
Maybe everyone is already well stocked? Not sure if I previously mentioned this, but I remember going to Market Basket (Waltham) in late April and seeing the toilet paper aisle not empty, but entirely replaced by 12 & 24 packs of Coca-Cola. However, the shelf which usually has my big refills of liquid soap was entirely devoid of stock. “Media” seems to be saying that either this is a fluke or about to return to hoarding? https://www.eatthis.com/grocery-items-out-of-stock-again-second-wave-hoarding/ [Have we all figured out that we had a bit of overreaction in the disinfecting department? The good part is that I think we’ve reached basic levels of sanitary that may have been somewhat lacking at times, prepandemic!]
> does this mean coronapanic is over?
Not according to the NYT. (They surveyed “700 epidemiologists” but don’t bother looking for quotes from John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, Knut Wittkowski, or any other non-conformist!)
Can’t say the same down here. Hoarding is still going on. As my BIL said, “If you’re in a store that has ammo in a caliber you need you just buy it.”
Still no TP in the local Safeway in Hillsboro, CA (that’s one of the posh communities near Silicon Valley).
Silicon Valley is a retard magnet. I’m sorry, but that is true… you’d think all these top-tier college STEM graduates would be able to parse the numbers and read the actual scientific papers and figure out that rampant dictatorship of mini-Maos like Newsom or Breed is nothing to cheer on.
Nope. Karens all the way. Zero intellectual curiosity. Total ideological monoculture. Aggression towards anyone who as much as dares to express doubt in the official narrative. I’m glad I’m getting out of this land of infantile sociopathic nerds ruled over by the psychopathic financial “elite”.
@averros: They’re actively destroying San Francisco now. When you have the LGBTQ bar owners in Oakland banding together with the home security system people and everyone’s trying to scream: “We’re liberal and progressive! Don’t kill us this way!” you know things are bad:
“I’ve talked to so many people who consider themselves liberal and progressive, and lump me in with that group, that are frustrated.”
“In two weeks I will lay off all of my employees after having exhausted PPP and SBA loans but at least I will have tried to achieve the no-longer-achievable American dream,” he wrote.
“The only businesses that win in these close downs are the big ones. Amazon, Safeway, Taco Bell, etc,” wrote Granieri. “Seems like maybe they’re trying to squeeze the little guys out.”
There is no extra compensation offered, why should the feds bail us out when we meet state criteria to reopen? SFDPH is behaving criminally, this IS SO WRONG. They are leveling this city.”
Well, they voted for ’em. And they’ll vote for ’em again when they’re all destitute. If you look any one of these people in the eye and tell them: “This is what liberals and progressives DO when they control the government. Don’t you know that?” they’ll call you a nazi.
@averros: What’s even more amazing is that these business owners want the government to supply *more evidence* that their businesses are contributing to the spread before they shut them down. Newsom, et. al., have been deliberately vague:
“On two separate occasions, reporters asked the governor and California Health and Human Services Director Dr. Mark Ghaly to provide hard data showing activities like outdoor dining and hair salons are increasing the spread of the coronavirus and would not just encourage more at-home gatherings. Neither directly answered the question, and instead offered responses along the lines of, “We want to diminish the amount of mixing.””
They will listen to these complaints and say: “Fine. If you want evidence, you can submit to real-time monitoring and invasive contact tracing. We have to raise your taxes to pay for that.”
There is no problem too big for technology to solve, it’s just a matter of waiting until the political cover and buy-in occurs, so that the people running the wrecking ball can keep their jobs.
@averros: The make-believe must go on while the Little People in Realityland get crushed. Here’s the woman whose restaurant was closed for outdoor dining after she spent all the time and money to make it possible…while an outdoor dining movie set is set up in her parking lot with Mayor Garcetti’s approval.
What is the destination of your escape from Alcatraz .. sorry CA (if it’s not a secret) ? Not sure if there’s any place in this country left free from liberal fundamentalism:
Everyone has surrendered. Actually now that the Cavalry (vaccine) is almost here, people are thinking they have enough already horded from the last 1 or 2 sprees to last until they get the magic elixir.
Maybe everyone is already well stocked? Not sure if I previously mentioned this, but I remember going to Market Basket (Waltham) in late April and seeing the toilet paper aisle not empty, but entirely replaced by 12 & 24 packs of Coca-Cola. However, the shelf which usually has my big refills of liquid soap was entirely devoid of stock. “Media” seems to be saying that either this is a fluke or about to return to hoarding? https://www.eatthis.com/grocery-items-out-of-stock-again-second-wave-hoarding/ [Have we all figured out that we had a bit of overreaction in the disinfecting department? The good part is that I think we’ve reached basic levels of sanitary that may have been somewhat lacking at times, prepandemic!]
> does this mean coronapanic is over?
Not according to the NYT. (They surveyed “700 epidemiologists” but don’t bother looking for quotes from John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, Knut Wittkowski, or any other non-conformist!)
Can’t say the same down here. Hoarding is still going on. As my BIL said, “If you’re in a store that has ammo in a caliber you need you just buy it.”
Still no TP in the local Safeway in Hillsboro, CA (that’s one of the posh communities near Silicon Valley).
Silicon Valley is a retard magnet. I’m sorry, but that is true… you’d think all these top-tier college STEM graduates would be able to parse the numbers and read the actual scientific papers and figure out that rampant dictatorship of mini-Maos like Newsom or Breed is nothing to cheer on.
Nope. Karens all the way. Zero intellectual curiosity. Total ideological monoculture. Aggression towards anyone who as much as dares to express doubt in the official narrative. I’m glad I’m getting out of this land of infantile sociopathic nerds ruled over by the psychopathic financial “elite”.
@averros: They’re actively destroying San Francisco now. When you have the LGBTQ bar owners in Oakland banding together with the home security system people and everyone’s trying to scream: “We’re liberal and progressive! Don’t kill us this way!” you know things are bad:
“I’ve talked to so many people who consider themselves liberal and progressive, and lump me in with that group, that are frustrated.”
“In two weeks I will lay off all of my employees after having exhausted PPP and SBA loans but at least I will have tried to achieve the no-longer-achievable American dream,” he wrote.
“The only businesses that win in these close downs are the big ones. Amazon, Safeway, Taco Bell, etc,” wrote Granieri. “Seems like maybe they’re trying to squeeze the little guys out.”
There is no extra compensation offered, why should the feds bail us out when we meet state criteria to reopen? SFDPH is behaving criminally, this IS SO WRONG. They are leveling this city.”
Well, they voted for ’em. And they’ll vote for ’em again when they’re all destitute. If you look any one of these people in the eye and tell them: “This is what liberals and progressives DO when they control the government. Don’t you know that?” they’ll call you a nazi.
@averros: What’s even more amazing is that these business owners want the government to supply *more evidence* that their businesses are contributing to the spread before they shut them down. Newsom, et. al., have been deliberately vague:
“On two separate occasions, reporters asked the governor and California Health and Human Services Director Dr. Mark Ghaly to provide hard data showing activities like outdoor dining and hair salons are increasing the spread of the coronavirus and would not just encourage more at-home gatherings. Neither directly answered the question, and instead offered responses along the lines of, “We want to diminish the amount of mixing.””
They will listen to these complaints and say: “Fine. If you want evidence, you can submit to real-time monitoring and invasive contact tracing. We have to raise your taxes to pay for that.”
There is no problem too big for technology to solve, it’s just a matter of waiting until the political cover and buy-in occurs, so that the people running the wrecking ball can keep their jobs.
@averros: The make-believe must go on while the Little People in Realityland get crushed. Here’s the woman whose restaurant was closed for outdoor dining after she spent all the time and money to make it possible…while an outdoor dining movie set is set up in her parking lot with Mayor Garcetti’s approval.
Blade Runner:
What is the destination of your escape from Alcatraz .. sorry CA (if it’s not a secret) ? Not sure if there’s any place in this country left free from liberal fundamentalism:
The use of bears by Charmin as their marketing mascot was a stroke of brilliance.