Turn opprobrium into praise by identifying as LGBTQIA+?

Happy Pride Month again! Don’t forget that

Suppose that we hear about a financially secure 90-year-old white American having sex with a 31-year-old “Brown” immigrant? That’s an unequal power dynamic, right? And we would condemn this relationship, I’m sure. Former Miss Ukraine Oleksandra Nikolayenko isn’t especially brown, but she’s 40 years old and we don’t see a lot of media praise regarding her marriage to Phil Ruffin (86-year-old billionaire).

What if Mx. Nikolayenko said “I identify as a man” and Phil Ruffin said “I am gay”? Then we would have a love story suitable for publication… “‘I Found Love At 90 With A 31-Year-Old—After Finally Coming Out'” (Newsweek):

When he arrived, John was dressed in black with his black mask. We actually both had our masks on right up until the salad course was brought out. That was the first time we actually saw each other. We got talking and soon found that we had lots in common. Neither one of us smokes or drinks and neither of us uses foul language. We talked about shows that we liked and things we both enjoy around town; we both really like Asian food.

They had as much in common, in other words, as any two people selected at random from the Chinese population of 1.4 billion.

Young John is not prosperous:

He had three roommates so I didn’t visit him as it would have been less comfortable for us.

John is an immigrant:

John is originally from Mexico, where there are plenty of tarantulas, but he’s afraid of them.

Their friends are implicitly against polyamory:

Most of our friends now are also gay, and a number of them are in younger/older unions or marriages. It really doesn’t come up, nobody says anything about it because we’re two people who are happy together. That’s all our friends care about. Whenever it comes up in Facebook comments—and it does come up—I say that age is just a number. Of course it is an important number, but it is just a number.

Just a number? Let’s compare to Jeffrey Epstein, who died at age 66. It was disgusting when Epstein was 61 and there was a possibility of sex with a 19-year-old. See “‘UNCLE’ JEFF’S PLOT Jeffrey Epstein hatched plot to marry ex girlfriend’s 19-year-old daughter to give her £40m inheritance”:

JEFFREY Epstein told pals he wanted to marry the teen daughter of his beauty queen ex who called him “Uncle Jeff”, it has been claimed.

Celina Dubin, now aged 24, is the daughter of doctor and former Miss Sweden Eva Andersson Dubin – who the paedo dated in the 1980s.

Epstein reportedly enjoyed a close relationship with Eva and her husband Glenn Dubin – who she married in 1994 – a billionaire hedge-fund manager from New York City.

And in 2014, the sex offender, then aged 61, told friends that if he was ever to marry he would choose then-19-year-old Celina, reports Business Insider.

He said that he wanted the teenager to inherit his fortune and that marriage would help her avoid inheritance taxes, the report claims.

That same year, Epstein – who died in prison in August while facing child sex trafficking charges – named Celina as a beneficiary to his $500m fortune.

A source familiar with the millionaire’s estate told Business Insider that the young girl would have inherited $50m – however the paedo banker removed her from his will in 2015 for unknown reasons.

The Dubins reportedly spent holidays with Epstein even after his conviction in 2008 for having sex with a minor.

What if Celina Dubin had said “My pronouns are he/him/his” and Jeffrey Epstein had said “I am gay and find all three of the guys pictured below attractive, including Mr. Eva Dubin on the left and Mr. Celina Dubin on the right of the photo”? Now the romance between Mr. Epstein and Mr. Celina Dubin would be heartwarming instead of “gross”?

10 thoughts on “Turn opprobrium into praise by identifying as LGBTQIA+?

  1. Just to preface this, before I dig in here, are you sure people in China are Asian? I’m not even sure they’re Communists after listening to the WAMC Morning Roundtable yesterday. Talking about China’s actions in Hong Kong, Professor Alan Chartock WAMC said they were Fascists to underscore comparing them with Donald Trump and the Republicans who won’t support the voting bill in Congress. I was astonished to learn that China was not a Communist country. I learn something new every day from NPR.

    I quote: “It’s [referring to China] the world’s largest, basically a dem….basically a Fascist government. And we’re supporting it.”

    40:49 here: https://www.wamc.org/post/62321-rt-panel

    So, before I begin my analysis of this post, I guess I need to learn whether China is a Communist country or not, because Alan Chartock doesn’t think they are, and I believe whatever he says.

    • China is a country with mixed socialist/capitalust economy, run by Communists. Communism is not an economic system (it’s just Socialist eschatology – impossible to achieve, a modern day version of Land of Cockaigne), so technically there are no communist countries.

      Both modern US and China are mixed-economy. The differences are mostly in ideological BS (it’s People’s Party in China vs Rep/Dem uniparty theatre aka “democracy” in US; both countries are, in fact, technocratic kleptocracies as the recent COVID lockdowns demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt).

      Fascist economic system is private ownership of productive assets with de-facto control of these assets by the State bureaucracy. Which country is closer to fascism is not immediately clear, as both have more than a few features of full-blown fascism (massive regulation, militarism, crony socialist intertwining of Big Business and State, totalitarian surveillance and suppression of dissent, pervasive collectivist propaganda and censorship).

      This similarity actually sets a stage for another large-scale military conflict, like WW2 (which mostly was a conflict between national and international socialists).

    • ” like WW2 (which mostly was a conflict between national and international socialists).” @averros, I agree with much what you said except the last sentence. United Kingdom was in WWII the longest – from Nazi invasion of Poland to Japanese surrender; without American participation and WWII would be much longer, and probably would end with US ending it with nukes developed with the help of scientific refugees from Europe. The largest part of it on land was of cause was intra-socialist, but only after German failure to invade British Islands.

    • Low Skilled Immigrant — I guess I didn’t expand on “mostly”… while GB and Germany started WW2 pretty much most of it was a minor side show to much bigger Soviet/Nazi coflict. Not that this it any consolation to the victims of “minor” skirmishes on Western front or in Pacific/Asia.

    • @averros, they taught me in grade school what you are saying but it is not exactly true. WWII span huge territories in Africa (East Africa campaign, North Africa campaign), Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Persia), Chinese, Far East and Pacific theaters, Indo-China. Millions men Japanese armies were bogged down in China for a long time. Other parts were not that manpower intensive comparing to Germany – USSR theater but still included troops from India, Philippines, ANZAC, Kenya, Mid East and of course America and British Islands. And USA and UK sailed huge navies which neither Germany or USSR could produce. And huge air bomber fleets that neither Germany or USSR could produce. Even Britain made significant land lease contributions to USSR including tanks. Without American tracks and supplies it would be much longer victory for USSR. Britain itself outproduced Nazi Germany in everything war related except tanks. Soviet late Kursk offensive was made so much easier by heavy British bombing of Hamburg and subsequent German removal of significant part of fighter air force from Eastern front for home front defense. Of course British were paying back for bombing of London and England by copying German start of the war bombing tactics but it helped USSR on the Eastern front. America sent USSR hundreds of thousands of trucks and thousands of tons of food, practically all torpedo boats that Soviet Navy had and even commodities such as aluminum. Of course USSR would win lend war anyway, LA line of fighters was made of pressurized wood and and was successful, but it would take much longer.

    • I read this as: “Any person who wants to be in the equivalent of the Witness Protection Program is now able to do so. And any person who wants to change their identity can do so at will, and nobody except the State will be able to track the changes.”

      Today you sign a contract with Ms. X, and tomorrow she becomes Mr. Y. A month later he becomes Mx. Z. You will never be able to track down who Ms. X originally was via public information.

      “Prior to the Gender Recognition Act’s signing, New Yorkers who wanted to change their names were required to publish their new and previous names, current address, place of birth and date of birth in a designated newspaper. This potentially allowed opportunities for discrimination against transgender and nonbinary people who legally changed their names. The Act eliminates this practice. “

  2. > LGBTQIA+

    Uh, you forgot the “V” (for “trans-vehicular”) in the alphabet acronym, you bigot! As part of your penance/re-education, watch this documentary about a stunningly brave trans-vehicular former motorcyclist athlete, who is now setting world records while identifying as a bicyclist:

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