The CDC advises us to avoid countries that followed CDC advice

The CDC advised that countries force citizens to wear masks and receive injections of experimental-use-authorized vaccines. Let’s have a look at some of the countries that followed the advice most assiduously. NYT vaccination rate leaderboard:

These same countries are typically also notable for harsh mask orders.

The UAE, with 99% vaccinated (Are they sticking infants?), is at “Level 4: COVID-19 Very High; Avoid travel to the United Arab Emirates.” (CDC) This is the maximum level of coronapanic authorized by Science (map and legend, showing levels 1-4).

How about Portugal (see “In Portugal, There Is Virtually No One Left to Vaccinate” (NYT))? Also Level 4.

Cuba, the paradise of universal health care? Level 4. (My comment after visiting: “Immigration killed all the natives; Socialism killed all of the buildings.”)

Chile? Level 4. Malta? Level 4. Argentina? Level 4. Spain? Level 4.

Austria, where it is illegal to sit at home unvaccinated? Level 4. Canada, where even a truck driver who stays in his/her/zir/their cab all day must be vaccinated? Level 4. Australia, which kept itself safe by deporting Novak Djokovic (the first athlete to be disqualified for not taking a drug?)? Level 4. Singapore (vaccines required in order to work and, unlike in the U.S., labor force participation in Singapore is growing)? Level 4.

How can people have confidence in the ability of Science, as embodied by the CDC, to “manage the virus” if Science says that the places that Followed the Science are unsafe for humans to visit?

The current CDC map shows that the world’s safer places, leaving aside the special case of China, are mostly in Africa. Since we #BelieveScience, should we infer from this that Africans are better at following CDC advice than non-Africans?

5 thoughts on “The CDC advises us to avoid countries that followed CDC advice

  1. The data between states in US essentially replicates the observation. ADE and the original antigenic sin are real.

    (Medical) fascism has consequences.

  2. How do the UAE calculate the percent of vaccinated people? Relative to the resident population or relative to the number of Emirati citizen? Only about 11% of the resident population hold Emirati citizenship.

    What are the criteria of CDC to assign risk levels? Here in France (population five times smaller than that of the US) during the delta days, the situation seemed serious (i.e. we were told that hospitals reach capacity) when we had 40,000+ new cases/day. In the omicron days in the last couple of weeks we had 500,000+ new cases/day and life went on, people seemed not to care any more. So if the CDC looks at infection rates only and uses alpha or delta yardsticks for omicron then it might as well classify the whole world in the highest risk category.

    @averros, do you have pointers to studies that investigate the ADE hypothesis?

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