Twitter’s Ministry of Medical Truth fact-checked by a medical school professor

If you love Internet and love medical school, what’s not to love about this page in which a med school professor fact checks the folks at Twitter who suspended a user for posting “misinformation”:

(Note that I think the most harmful misinformation ever distributed regarding COVID-19 came from the CDC and similar enterprises, i.e., that cloth masks protected humans from an aerosol virus. I have been ridiculing that advice here since March 2020, e.g., by reference to “saliva-soaked face rag” or “use a bandana as PPE” but I never questioned whether the Covidcrats had the right to say what they said.)

Speaking of misinformation, the headline writers at Politico deserve a Pulitzer for this one:

4 thoughts on “Twitter’s Ministry of Medical Truth fact-checked by a medical school professor

  1. DHS disinformation board….

    Is that the official government body tasked with spreading disinformation?

  2. What would the Disinformation Board have said about individuals who asserted that Saddam does not have WMD?

    • That’s a great point. There was a scientific consensus regarding Saddam’s weapons!

  3. Here’s an essay by Mx. Jankowicz (

    Summary: Russia bad, Orange Man bad, Ukraine good.


    A bot is an inauthentic automated account controlled by lines of code; a troll is controlled by a human.. (A troll originally referred to a human who posted with the goal of eliciting strong responses, not someone “controlled by another human”.)

    American vulnerabilities around race, income, sexuality, and geography continue to fuel Russian operations in the United States.

    The biggest failing of the past four years, however, comes from the US government itself: it has has eschewed its responsibility to protect equitable, democratic discourse at home and abroad.

    We are reminded to hold politicians accountable in the voting booth (written during the tyranny of Orange Man):

    Until our elected officials begin to once again respect the truth, then, it is up to us, the people — at protests, in the voting booth — to remind them it exists. It would be easy to check out, to seek entertainment instead of information as many of us have done during the incessant flow of coronavirus information over the past three months.

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