Abortion care for pregnant people seems to be the principal topic among Democrats running for office in the upcoming election. Examples:
(Certainly the decision to continue incubating Joe Biden’s granddaughter was the biggest economic decision that Lunden Roberts has made so far ($2.5 million tax-free downpayment plus unspecified monthly revenue); note that an abortion can often be sold at a discount to the net present value of the expected child support cashflow so it isn’t necessary to have a baby to profit economically from a baby.)
I’m not an expert on reproductive health care, of which we are informed that abortion care is the most critical component, but I had a thought while viewing Love and Birth at the Musée D’Orsay (Georges Lacombe, circa 1895):
Where is the abortion-care-themed art for Democrats who own Hunter Bidens and want to demonstrate their passion for this most important aspect of reproductive health care?
Separately, a Hero of Faucism at the jammed art museum fights an aerosol virus with a humble surgical mask…. worn over a beard:
A masked Follower of Science in front of a sculpture titled “Redneck and Alligator” (well, maybe it is actually a crocodile scene set in Africa):
Here’s an overview of the converted train station:
The ceiling of the museum restaurant:
This prompted our almost-9-year-old to say “Hey look, there’s a peacock. Dad, you need to give me a shotgun and then…. problem solved.” (Readers: If you are having problems with ornamental peafowl on your estate, let me know and we’ll send the youth over to deal with the birds directly.)
Speaking of problems, like most of Paris, the museum is afflicted with gender binarism:
On the other hand, they do give a lot of floor and wall space to Kehinde Wiley:

You’re 9-year-old would be of use in Surrey BC
I guess if someone else supplies the artwork, National Public Radio can supply the background soundtrack. A few days ago they aired the audio of a woman aborting an 11-week pregnancy, complete with the vacuum suction sound. Opinions are sharply divided, of course, regarding the “wisdom” of airing it.
The NYT found some art samples, which are not very cheerful (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/10/arts/design/art-abortion-whitney-javits-museums-galleries.html):
In recent years, a fashion for painting the human figure has preoccupied the art world, with an emphasis on race, gender and other urgent social issues. Yet another pressing topic in America has been curiously absent from art: abortion, which became all the more timely when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June.
Unrelately, I’m worried about the cis-gendered bathrooms and the apparent absence of Rainbow Flags in Paris. Are the French straying from the religion?
The cis-gendered bathrooms are routinely ignored (at least in part). When I visited the museum several years ago, the line for the (identifies as female) toilets was quite long, and so several (female-presenting) people just went ahead and used the stalls in the (identifies as male) toilets. Somehow, I doubt that people would have been so calm about it if the gender identifications were reversed.