Signs from Alabama’s Cheaha State Park, within the Talladega National Forest, explaining how Native Americans and Europeans came to be in the area:

“Native Americans were the first people to colonize the Cheaha Mountain area.” and “Europeans left an established life and journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean to pursue their dreams of freedom.”
Native Americans were “colonizers” and Europeans came to the slave state of Alabama because they cherished freedom, not for any economic motivation.
The U.S. already has cities that are more violent, statistically, than the countries from which migrants came here “fleeing violence” (the current origin myth). Suppose that this trend continues (U.S. becoming more violent; countries that enrich us with their surplus population becoming less violent). Will there be a new origin myth for our current wave of migrants? If so, what will it be?
Separately, Cheaha seems like the proper place for the Appalachian Trail (“AT”) to start (story: “The trail was originally imagined as spanning the entire length of the Appalachian Mountains, which would extend it into Alabama, but the Alabama leg never materialized”). As the U.S. population has grown, the AT should grow so that hikers aren’t on top of each other.
No connection to history of slavery in America or to Alabama but did not European colonists came from countries that had slavery? British Empire in particular recognized slavery until after Alabama was declared 22nd state. As any other country in a face of the earth that recognized slavery until after American colonization begun. As did the most progressive American government after WWII when it took slave labor camp and mass murder – connected Nazi rocketmen and made them work for little pay, including in Alabama.
Those origin myths have been in preparation for while, have they not?
Here’s a recent discussion about the general line that’s being taken. As legacy populations dwindle, the planet’s better off for having fewer of those little people.
And as a bonus, “immigration can help soften some of the demographic blows by bringing younger people into aging countries.” This is of course nothing to do with population replacement because that’s a conspiracy theory.
> Will there be a new origin myth for our current wave of migrants?
“Diversity is strength and peace” and “white rage” are still going strong. The elites can simply ignore reality. For example, AOC was criticized by people for betraying her voters and voting in lockstep on all issues, she simply ignored them and mocked them while on stage.
The Puritans at least were the English equivalent of the Taliban, and wanted to establish a theocracy where no one would ever be allowed to have fun, ever, for any reason. The English, being mostly a sensible sort, told them to take a hike and so they did.