Every day this summer, the New York Times offers a climate panic story. “Tracking Dangerous Heat in the U.S.” is updated daily and Phoenix is always a dangerous place to be (folks in Atlanta can get away with “Extreme Caution”; South Florida is literally toast):
The same newspaper previously alerted us to the connection between urban growth and oppressive heat. Example from 2018… “5 Ways to Keep Cities Cooler During Heat Waves”:
Cities can be miserable during heat waves. All that concrete and asphalt soaks up the sun’s rays, pushing temperatures up even further. Tall buildings can block cooling breezes. Exhaust from cars and air-conditioners just adds to the swelter.
This is known as the urban heat island effect: A large city’s built-up environment can make it 2 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the surrounding countryside during the day and up to 22 degrees warmer at night. That extra heat is becoming a serious public health problem.
More people means bigger cities and bigger cities inevitably will be hotter cities (humans moving around on pavement will never emit less heat than grass). You might think that the natural position for a climate alarmist, therefore, would be to oppose policies that drive population growth, e.g., low-skill immigration, government handouts conditional on having kids, etc. Yet the NYT consistently promotes population growth, especially via open borders. For example, a recent piece from the paper’s in-house Nobel laureate.. “How Immigrants Are Saving the Economy” (Professor Dr. Paul Krugman, Ph.D.):
There are surely multiple reasons. But you may not have heard about one ingredient in the economy’s special sauce: a sudden, salutary rebound in net immigration, which soared in 2022 to more than a million people, its highest level since 2017. We don’t know whether this rebound will last, but it has been really helpful. It’s an exaggeration, but one with some truth, to say that immigrants are saving the U.S. economy.
I’m not sure how net immigration is measured if the undocumented walk across the border and never talk to a Census Bureau worker, but Prof. Krugman is talking about a substantial new city of humans being created every year in the U.S. (for reference, the population of Phoenix per se is 1.6 million).
What about artisanal production of population growth? A June 2023 editorial says that we should ladle out more cash to “families” (usually “single parents”) who do minimal work and choose to have multiple kids. It looks like Americans respond to financial incentives. The middle class is being bred out of existence because they can’t afford family-size housing. Those who don’t work have plenty of kids because the (too-poor-to-have-kids) taxpayers provide them with family-size housing. The rich have kids, but there aren’t enough of them to make a difference in population statistics.
Channeling the spirit of “If you don’t like seeing me naked, you should shop at a different Publix”.. “If you don’t like summer heat waves, why do you advocate for a larger U.S. population?”
I arrived in Pasadena, California last night. I disclosed my plan to walk to dinner to a gal at the front desk. She expressed surprise that anyone would be willing to walk for 10 minutes due to the heat (85 degrees and dry). Separately, after risking heat stroke and/or death, I found that the June 2023 official Pride markings on sidewalks, transformers, and stores (Rainbow-first retail) were all still up.
More photos to follow, but here’s a preview of how city property is decorated in case there is a merchant who does not do his/her/zir/their share:

(This would be illegal in at least some parts of the U.S. ummah: “‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags”)
Right on. I guess somewhere A Miracle Occurs and technology/politics is able to solve the problem of more people and bigger/hotter cities. How hard can it be?
But as per https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/29/the-hard-hat-job-with-highest-level-of-open-positions-ever-recorded.html
Americans aren’t interested in working hard jobs anyways – so they need the immigrant cheap labour .
At least that’s what the narrative is …..
All this and high risk of injury:
Quick Facts: Construction Laborers and Helpers
2021 Median Pay $37,520 per year
$18.04 per hour
Job Outlook, 2021-31 4% (As fast as average)
Employment Change, 2021-31 69,500
Good luck supporting a family on $38k. And McDonald’s sometimes pays $20-$22/hour these days.
But yes, the solution is definitely MORE IMMIGRATION, because packing more people in the country definitely does NOT increase demand for housing or the need for construction.
much of the low-skill immigration gets employed as lawn care service and they spend their days running powerful gasoline powered leaf blowers. That will blow hot air associated with heat island effect, acting as natural A/C. They also kick up a lot of dust and fumes and that helps block the sun and generate additional “cooling”.
That sounds amateurish. Our Canadian friends took on global warming in scale, burning their northern forests to create enough fire soot to block sunlight in upper layers of atmosphere above US from Canadian border south to Virginia and block the sunlight. May/ June were unusually cool in much of northern USA. God had to re-activate undersea volcanoes to cancel Canadian Tru-dough effect. https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/volcanos/icelands-baby-volcano-is-still-spewing-lava-rivers-in-a-tantrum-visible-from-space https://fortune.com/2023/07/27/why-extreme-heat-not-just-climate-change-el-nino-volcano/
The technocrats think that the middle class is redundant. Their dream is to automate all white collar jobs and have the redundant resources (formerly humans) scan their retinas at the nearest friendly “worldcoin” center to receive a pittance UBI:
Immigrants are needed to clean pools and pluck strawberries.
In that light, the whole 2SLGBTQQIA+ cult is a welcome addition to reduce those population segments that participate in the cult.