Why are women lumped in with the nonbinary?

Happy Women’s Equality Day.

Universities have substantial full-time credentialed bureaucracies to deal with gender issues and certainly MIT’s is second to none. Here’s an article from back in April 2023 about an MIT facility that was formerly exclusive to those who identified as “women”… “A home away from home”:

The Margaret Cheney Room remains indispensable after nearly 140 years.

The Cheney Room has been an oasis for MIT women ever since the original one opened on the Boston campus in 1884, when women at the Institute were scarce. Today’s enrollment numbers are much more balanced than in early days, with women making up 48% of the undergraduate and 39% of the graduate student body. But there’s still a need for dedicated spaces on campus where women and nonbinary students can gather, says Lauryn McNair, assistant dean of LBGTQ+ and Women and Gender Services at MIT.

“Women’s centers and spaces are still important, even in a changing landscape of gender,” says McNair, explaining that the space today is a haven for both women and nonbinary people. “At its foundation, a women’s space is built upon the core concepts of community through safety and support, access, affirmation and recognition, and intersectionality. I hope for students to feel at home in the Cheney Room and that this is a space for them that celebrates and affirms who they are so they can thrive at MIT.”

Updates include reconfiguring old rooms to create new, more useful spaces and adding new furniture, fresh paint, and contemporary art that was created by female and nonbinary artists. After getting input from students, McNair chose the artworks to reflect how they see themselves in the world today.

Why do the experts force “women” to share with 72 additional gender IDs recognized by Science? Instead of one room that excludes “men” but admits people identifying with every other gender, why not 73 rooms that exclude men, each of the 73 rooms devoted to a single gender ID? How are women “equal” on Women’s Equality Day if they are lumped together with 72 other gender IDs while “men” are considered a special class (admittedly for the purpose of exclusion)

Here’s Lauren McNair’s bio page:


  • Real World Divorce (sometimes “equality” before the law means winning 97-98 percent of family court lawsuits; see the Massachusetts and New Hampshire chapters, for example, and associated Census Bureau data on the gender IDs of those who’ve won custody of cash-yielding children)
  • Title IX, which “prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government” (but, apparently, federally-funded MIT can have facilities exclusively for some gender IDs without having any separate-but-equal facility for those who identify as “men”)

7 thoughts on “Why are women lumped in with the nonbinary?

  1. My brain hurts after reading that. But there is a glimmer of hope for sanity in universities: DIE researchers surveyed engineering and comp sci students about their gender. The researchers were traumatized by the “malicious” responses, calling them “fascist”. The students’ identified genders included Apache attack helicopter, V22 Osprey, F16 jet fighter, “Quasi-Demi-poney; bankai-released state queercopter with a hint of faggotdrag lesbian and homosexual upside-down Frappuccino cake”, and “on-cookie-cutter cis-furry dragonkin. Don’t judge.”


    • I assume the participating students were traumatized by the unserious, insensitive, agenda-driven soi-disant researchers, and must now be handsomely compensated.

    • From the link that @Anonymous provided:

      “Importantly, the themes and repetitions serve to mark shared references and signify an existing community with a shared political agenda and racist, trans-antagonistic, and online political meme commentary,” the researchers wrote.

      This tells you all about this so-called “research” and the “researchers” and their agenda: if anyone’s answer does not agree with the “researchers” and researchers’ “science”, you are a racist.

  2. Why aren’t there two physically separate institutions M-MIT for men and W-MIT for women? Then the women are safe at all times.

    The bureaucracy should move to W-MIT to ensure continued safety.

  3. I think the distinction is victims vs men. Any group not capable of physical violence goes with the victims.

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