From Needham, Maskachusetts, a suburb of Boston:
Some more images of the church where God speaks directly to humans:

(Sometimes the best way to “Dismantle Racism” is by first moving to a town that is 2 percent Black.)
The church reminds us that it is not Ukrainians who are fighting for their lives:
Speaking of Ukraine, another church in Needham:

Here’s what I think might be a 2SLGBTQQIA+ version of the Ukrainian flag:
What about back in Cambridge? A friend snapped this photo of Riverside Boat Club, which reminds folks that Black Lives Matter, that the trans-enhanced rainbow flag is our national symbol, and that the best way to support Ukraine is to stay safely in Maskachusetts while hanging up a flag.
Who can explain the intersection between Black and 2SLGBTQQIA+ on the boat club whose web site shows only white people? Perhaps a professor of Queer of Color Critique who will soon be working at Williams College:
The Program in Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies seeks a professor of Queer of Color Critique, field open, ideally with interdisciplinary scholarship. We also especially welcome those with additional interests in Disability Studies/Crip Theory, Feminist Technoscience Studies, and/or Migration Studies.
The candidate should be able to teach introductory courses, including WGSS 101 and a Foundations in Sexuality Studies seminar in addition to electives.
We are especially interested in candidates from historically underrepresented groups
Coronapanic is over in Maskachusetts? The August 10, 2023 job post:
We recognize that these are uncertain times with changing health and safety restrictions given the endemic nature of COVID-19 and other viral illnesses. This search will follow all state and college policies, and we anticipate collaborating with candidates to best navigate health and safety during the recruitment process.
Its weird that there are plenty of rainbow flags at churches, but none at mosques?
Maybe the Needham churches can road trip en masse to Wyoming in support of Artemis Langford against his six anti-trans sisters from Kappa Kappa Gamma?
Yes, and have them invite along Ketangi Brown Jackson, who doesn’t know what a woman is.
That’s kind of a strange situation.
First, it’s an exclusive, private group, not a University facility like if a dude was using the womens’ locker room at a school gym. One would assume that there are many XX ovarian-Americans who were denied membership for being somewhat plain or a little chubby, and yet somehow this individual was offered membership.
Secondly, Wikipedia states:
By 2021, most national organizations had released political statements on racial and social equity and inclusion, while also developing membership policies regarding gender identity. Delta Phi Epsilon developed a policy explicitly open to trans and non-binary individuals, and sororities open to any individual who identifies as a woman include: Alpha Chi Omega,…Chi Omega,…Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma…. Sororities open to any individual who identifies and lives as a woman include:…Delta Delta Delta,…Sigma Delta Tau, and Sigma Kappa, while Zeta Tau Alpha specifies that the individual must “consistently” identify and live as a woman.” If they didn’t want to see a member’s erect member through said member’s leggings, then perhaps they should have adopted a policy to prevent people with male members from becoming members?
Thirdly, don’t they have the general ability to simply eject a member for inappropriate conduct?
Fourthly, our nation’s judicial system seems to frequently leave a lot to be desired these days.
Maybe if Ketanji can join the Needham holy warriors she will learn something about biology…or maybe not.
We have a decline in religious observance across all denominations in the west while at the same time we have this sort of stuff, religions moving away from what made them particular to a very general liberal orthodoxy. It is not clear though what is the cause and what is the effect, that mainstream religions have become mush and therefor people have moved away or people have moved away and in order to attract worshipers religions have adopted this stuff. As an aside, mainstream Judaism like the Christian denominations is in decline thought what is in ascendancy is the orthodox and ultra-orthodox branches of Judaism. Which seems to suggest that there is an increasing market for traditional religion at the expense of religious observance that tries to be all things to all people.
The people at Williams College are using psychoactive substances or read too much Harry Potter. I’ve never seen anything like this.
Pretty sure Kamala Harris has a PhD in interdisciplinary crip theory.
I think the real story to uncover in Needham Center and Wellesley is how to develop them into bustling hubs! Think Pike and Rose type development! It continues to amaze me how a real estate developer has not laid out a master plan for housing and shopping with a transportation line in the backyard! I contineu to think Wellesley and Needham could be Pike and Rose caliaber!
Wellesley and Needham don’t want to be Pike and Rose! The folks who live in these elite suburbs are big supporters of open borders, but they want migrants settled in Texas. If migrants insist on coming to Maskachusetts, the righteous want them in urban environments that they seldom or never visit, e.g., Waltham. The justification for increasing the density in already-dense places is that these places already have public transportation access or services for those who don’t work. Wellesley and Needham have commuter trains, but they run infrequently.
Also, don’t forget this Harvard study on Boston suburbanites: “After riding with Spanish speakers, white commuters favored anti-immigration policies”
Always love the insightful reminders that I fail to remember (or have forgotten) since I left Wellesley in 2001 and then subsequently Medford in 2009 for this life here in the Beltway!
@Philip, please don’t send migrants to my hometown of Waltham, and especially don’t tell anyone about the free meals the City of Waltham offers [1].
This “free meal” is a new addition since COVIDFear and is here to stay indefinitely!
Perhaps M.I.T. and Harvard Medical School should be made away, publicly, that one of their own is an obsessive bigot.
Pointing out that a virtue signaling all-white boat club does not have any Black members must surely be punished by inciting a cancel mob!
Naming the hypocrisy of the ruling (and bigoted) classes has always been dangerous.
Interesting, this comment appeared after on this older post after this blog questioned official laughable inflation numbers in posting.
I’d say this blog counts as being public. Your username, however, does not.
Sam: the most courageous denunciation is an anonymous denunciation!
I know! Completely absurd that people think there is an omnipotent Santa Claus in the clouds who cares about one species of animal.
Dear Hypocrisy_Meter — and Phil, and I expect this is Phil — this is precisely the kind of knee-jerk defensiveness I expected. No one is calling for a “mob,” especially as the only mob is a decentralized, majoritarian one, obsessively demeaning queer people — and, really, anyone you don’t like, on a bullshit-fueled spectrum from snark to brazen lies — while those same people are bullied in schools and at home, and bashed and murdered, well, anywhere. It’s gotten to the point of MAGA-fueled hate, again and precisely what Phil keeps hammering away at here, led to the murder of a woman, who happened to be straight, for flying a rainbow flag outside her shop in LA. Is this what you want? A country that is ever more violent, ever more murderous, where an elite and polite few, like yourself, repeat hateful nonsense without a thought, or perhaps with a satisfied thought, that some less educated, more deranged person will carry out the violence inherent in your pomposity and bigotry? I can’t begin to say how profoundly disappointed I am in you. As for MIT and Harvard Medical School, well, they are private institutions, people pay a lot of money to go there, you can bet they are not all right-wing cranks — or straight, for that matter — and they should be aware when one of their own, in a position of authority and who receives a paycheck, holds a bias against them. — George
I’m not Phil, if that’s what you are insinuating in the first sentence. I think it’s futile to respond to the rest.
@george, the knee-jerk defensiveness is what the 2SLGBTQQIA++ is spitting on everyone’s faces, in the open, day-in-day-out all year long.
During holiday month celebrations, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan, flags, posters, and events come up and then go away, not so for love-is-love, it is a year-long event and in your face anywhere you go. And if that’s not enough, love-is-love is now a topic of education in public schools starting with K-12.
As for Laura Ann Carleton who was fatally shot, that’s liberal and the media promoting their agenda and being flat-out biased and sadly you are falling for it. There are 10+ murders a day in the USA, and none make it to the news, but this MAGA nut killer does. What’s the message here?
Is the USA more violent today than say 20, 40, or 60 years ago? No, it is not. But the USA is far more dumber today than 20 years ago, thanks to the liberal agenda.
Btw, that Church that Philip photographed and shared in this blog, look closely, there is no Cross, there is no Christian flag, and there is no Biblic verse. All that you see is the rainbow flag and the 2SLGBTQQIA++. And make sure to visit their website at — there is no single black member!!
hypocrisy_meter: Be glad that you aren’t me. 90% of my life is devoted to home maintenance challenges, e.g., getting a properly balanced hurricane impact-certified garage door or taking the humidity out of the house via reengineered HVAC or addressing multiple failures in fake-commercial Bertazzoni appliances that the previous owner installed in 2018. I’m hoping that I can enjoy years 3-20 of living in this house, but it looks like years 1-2 are going to be painful. (The smart Floridians buy brand new houses and then discard the after 20 years-; our house is 20 years old and, therefore, should be ready for the scrap heap.)
I think george’s (not “George A”!) comments is interesting because “MAGA” is blamed for the existence of hate in the U.S. I was just talking to a former neighbor from Cambridge, Maskachusetts. She decried the higher-than-ever level of hate in the United States, particularly against Jews (her own ethnic/religious ID). I reminded her that she had previously blamed Jew-hatred on Donald Trump occupying the White House. With Trump replaced by the Jew-loving 100% benevolent Joe Biden, shouldn’t there be less hatred in 2023 compared to 2020? The answer turned out to be that Republicans are so hateful that even the best Democrats, such as Joe Biden, cannot undo the damage that occurs when Republicans are allowed to hold office. She then segued into anger regarding Trump’s Supreme Court appointees who have denied her the right to abortion care. She is over 60 years old and lives in a state where abortion care is legal at any stage of pregnancy (“on demand” through 24 weeks; see ). But she feels that Americans who identify as “women” have been assaulted by Donald Trump and they cannot be healed even by the most loving Democrat.