White vs. Black in Maskachusetts

From a chat group with some of my friends who are still up in the Boston suburbs:

[9th grader] lost points on a grammar test today because she capitalized Black and also White when referring to groups of people. Her teacher said that only Black should be capitalized, as that is an identity – but white is just a color and doesn’t refer to a cohesive group of people.


My friend wrote a letter to the head of the private school saying they should take down the BLM-logo mural because they endorse the Palestinian attack. After much pressure, she agreed to replace it with a general message of inclusion without the BLM logo. This is what it was replaced with:

6 thoughts on “White vs. Black in Maskachusetts

  1. Pretty clear your friend’s kids won’t be heading to MIT, Harvard or Penn…can’t write and their parents are racists, which surely won’t help with teacher recommendations.

  2. Anon: The 9th grader “can’t write” because she chose a heretical capitalization? What do you say about e.e. cummings, then? Check the capitalization in https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/22653/anyone-lived-in-a-pretty-how-town and https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49744/chimneys-xii-kitty-sixteen51whiteprostitute for example.

    (He also used the n-word and slurs for “Jews” in various poems (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._E._Cummings#Poetry).)

    Also, isn’t racism a positive qualification for being at an elite American university or liberal arts college? Espousing meritocracy is disqualifying, for example, while selecting people for college admissions or a job by skin color is grounds for promotion.

    • Yes, to your last question! My comment was meant as mockery of MIT, Harvard and Penn and their esteemed presidents (former in two cases).

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