A pizza shop in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida:

Note the solution to the inflation problem that the government tells us is entirely in our minds: tape over all of the prices and tell the customer what it’s going to cost only after he/she/ze/they orders.
Great prices! All seems to be free, because food is a human right. Even before medical care.
$7.99 only for specials who want to contribute.
The tape in itself proves nothing. It could be that the current prices are lower. You need a better proof.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Liars! The economy is doing great! Inflation is down to 3% only. Paul Krugman says the people are too stupid to understand how lucky they are. Biden said the sellers are cheating the consumers, taking advantage of us with shrinkflation! Who are you going to believe, Trump the liar?
And Biden is just fine! He may not be fit to stand trial, but that’s got nothing to do with running a country!
running and ruining, just one letter difference. in practice the meaning is the same as current presidency concerned
It’s the new “equity” pricing model–they ask your income and then they present the appropriate prices. That way everyone pays their “fair share” for their piece of the pie.
This is how colleges decide how much you can afford to pay!
Clearly, to be truly equitable, there should be one price for all and any amount of ordered. Make thin and fat equal. Fat people should not suffer financially because they eat more. And thin people can subsidize the fat, as an insurance in case they themselves gain weight and start eating more.
$7.99 seems to be a fair price for 16oz of diet coke.
I remember harsh non-enlightened times when large pizza pie was $5.99, you may ask how did I survive them? By getting fat.
I remember when The Halal Guys across the street from Teterboro Airport went to an electronic menu board. When I pointed out that this would enable them to raise their prices at will, they laughed and laughed as Muslims are known for, calling me their friend the whole time.
Sure enough, their standard platter is now up to $12.99. It does not include a drink or french fries.
From the URL:
Few details were released about the change, but Wendy’s CEO Kirk Tanner said the new menus will let the fast food chain test “more enhanced features like dynamic pricing and day-part offerings along with AI-enabled menu changes and suggestive selling.”
“We expect our digital menu boards will drive immediate benefits to order accuracy, improve crew experience and sales growth from upselling and consistent merchandising execution,” Tanner said on the call.
My own comment:
I cannot wrap my head around this! How will this ever work? As an example, a customer walks in and buys X and pays $Y for X. As this customer is sitting at a Wendy’s table enjoying his X, customer might see the price of X changed to $Z, no? If $Z is now less then $Y, can customer ask for a credit? What about the reverse?
I love “AI-enabled menu changes and suggestive selling”.