I went to Costco to set up my mom’s new life as a Floridian. As part of the sales process, Costco customers are informed that some of the profits from the towels for sale flow into the pockets of people who identify as “women”. The “Women Owned” logo certifying that this is where the money goes has a rainbow embedded within. What does it mean? Are they saying that a heterosexual cisgender woman, for example, is somehow part of Rainbow Flagism?

I ended up buying towels from Land’s End. Maybe other shoppers are persuaded by the magic of this logo or the idea that their money is going to business owners of a particular gender ID? Wirecutter says buy Frontgate Resort Collection towels.
For $500 of miscellaneous household items, I had a choice between the Heroes of Rainbow Flagism at Target or the more prosaic Walmart, which is a little closer to our house. I chose Walmart.
What does it mean? Not much.
Are they saying that a heterosexual cisgender woman, for example, is somehow part of Rainbow Flagism? No.
Maybe other shoppers are persuaded by the magic of this logo or the idea that their money is going to business owners of a particular gender ID? No.
“Dr” Phil:
Most people don’t notice, and if they did, they don’t care. Only right-wing Fox News/Ben Shapiro/Facebook-infected idle-rich people care.
At the end of the day, if/when you do any introspection, do you really think your time was best spent taking pictures of little multi-colored icons on bath towels? Then Tweeting/Facebooking/blogging about it? Do you get a little dopamine hit when a random X user named “KamalaIsACommie” likes your post? Must be nice to be an idle-rich MAGAtron. Whatever floats your boat.
Looking forward to the next post about rainbow flags. And the next, and the next…
I guess your readers have grown tired of hundreds of “someone is wearing a mask!” posts.
I am with Mike “The Dumb Dumb”. And to expand on this, only right-wing nuts care about inflation and gas prices. Only idle rich people care, worker class folks dont mind paying their fair share.
@Mike, when was the last time you walked into a big-box store and saw something being sold with the tag line of “Nuns Owned” (as one example)? Or you saw the Cross, the Star of David or quarter-crescent moon and star (the Islamic symbol) on an items you are buying? I honestly don’t remember (except during the month of Dec and even that is limited to specialty items). The rainbow flag, on the other hand is year-long event and is stamp on a whole lot of items.
Yes, women didn’t have the same rights like they do today, but that was so, so long ago. Also, if you really think the company Welspun cares about women, you are in for a surprise. Check their webpage [1] and you will see that they are mostly “men”. Furthermore, you will see this on their webpage:
“Our Values
We take pride in providing the best to our *stakeholders*. These Four Principles, define and direct Welspun to create a better future”
Do you see “women” in their values? What about anywhere else on their who-we-are page? Just like most other company, they are gaming the system, by tagging their product with rainbows and “Women Owned” slogans to make you feel as if you are making a difference if you buy their product. I personally, tend to avoid such companies because they are not helping the cause, they are taking advantage of “women”.
[1] https://welspun.com/who-we-are.php
Mike is a dumb dumb!
90-year-old women, volunteered for a multiple sclerosis charity for over 60 years (since her 20 years ago deceased husband was first diagnosed with ms), was fired from National MS Society because she dared to ask questions after she was required to add her pronouns to her email signature.
People pretending it is all about little multi-colored icons on bath towels can not be explained with stupidity alone.
“Swung their Gucci-booted-feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line”
D: This video does raise a good point. Suppose that the motivation for buying specific towels is to help victims. Shouldn’t the towels then be purchased from a company whose owners have as high a victimhood status as possible? Black trans women, for example. A white woman in North America can claim victimhood status, as Bill Burr points out, but her victimhood is exceeded by a Woman of Color in North America, surely.
More Bill Burr
Don’t forget… the hardest job in the world…