A celebration of electrical and mechanical engineering in Lisbon

What if the electric company ran an art museum? In Lisbon, they do! The result seems to be a celebration of electrical and mechanical engineering in an old riverside powerplant. The process of charging a Tesla is explained to the lay visitor:

A detail of the boiler:

Babcock and Wilcox, an American company (apparently with some production in the UK), made these state-of-the-art products for about 150 years and their work included contributing to the Manhattan Project, thus helping to end World War II on America’s terms. The company was then sued into bankruptcy by asbestos lawyers. (“A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.”)

I would have liked to see more technical explanation and maybe a model steam-powered generating plant (with a mini Tesla at the end?), but this still qualifies as a great monument to the achievements of engineers over about 200 years (starting with pioneering female Jamesina Watt).

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