I am still in Portugal so I slept during the grand event. Did CNN manage to make Joe Biden look and sound mentally fit? Also, will there be additional debates during which our beloved leader must be propped up?
Separately, this photo from Porto yesterday may contain the explanation for a bizarre gardening accident…

Joe Biden hit the ball out of the park. Seven days of debate preparation really showed! Dr. Jill Biden quipped to supporters afterwards: “Joe, you answered every question!”
Joe Biden has often said of his son Hunter: “he’s the smartest man I know.” Joe’s bravura debate performance confirms the adage that it takes one to know one.
Joe’s performance was terrible. Career-ending.
The more interesting part was watching the post-debate shows, and the number of Democratic pundits who were talking about the texts and phones calls they were receiving from people who wanted to Joe to drop out.
None of these people were straight-up saying “Joe needs to drop out”, but they were just a hair short of saying it. It was all “They’ll need to have conversations about…”
I don’t think I saw anyone said “Joe just had a bad night, and we need to stay with him.”
(Well, maybe Gavn Newsom, but since he’s so obviously angling for the job, he needs to appear 100% behind Joe. But you can be sure that he’s stocking up on new hair gel after that performance.)
You’re left with the impression that everyone wants him to drop out, and once a few key people say it, everyone will climb on board, and it will be an avalanche.
If Obama came out and publicly asked Joe to retire, it would be all over.
As I look now, there are two editorials in NYT today asking for Joe to step down.
Seems like it’s just a matter of time. I can’t see Joe fighting through this.
I think it’s quite likely Joe will announce next week that he’s retiring.
Obama ask him to withdraw? Surely you’re joking. Obama hired him as vice president and was just recently fundraising with him in California (alongside some of the smartest folks on earth, including George Clooney and Julia Roberts). Doing so would just make him look like the dimwit that he knows he is.
Obama picked him in 2008, when he was around 65. He wasn’t a spring chicken, but there’s a world of difference between 65 and 82.
I heard Obama picked him assuming that he would be too old to ever run for president. Obama was wrong on that one.
Remember that Obama picked Hillary over Joe in 2016 to run for president.
When Joe ran in 2020, Obama reportedly tried to give Joe some tough love, and said things things “You don’t have to do this”.
It’s perfectly natural to be supportive, then turn when the conditions change.
Imagine you have a friend who is getting married, and you have doubts about the woman he picked. You can either give a toast at the wedding or tell him “You need to stop this.” You decide to go along, be supportive, and try to help him out. But once you see the relationship going south, you realize it’s time to change approach.
It’s a totally natural thing to do.
We all knew father time was coming for Joe. It has just come on much faster than expected. Compare Joe now vs the one we saw at the State of the Union.
I blame his drug dealer for not giving him the good stuff.
I guess you don’t read your Twitter feed, as while Joe didn’t literally shit himself, he did so figuratively. At this point I am convinced that there will be an October surprise in Chicago in July.
Commentary seems to be full acknowledgement he’s unfit, even from left leaning accounts.
How did the Biden-Trump debate go? Excellent!
Did CNN manage to make Joe Biden look and sound mentally fit? No!
Also, will there be additional debates during which our beloved leader must be propped up? No!
I did not even watch the debate. What was the point? My memories of of Trump presidency and over 3 years of Biden can not be undone. What even perfect debate can change it?
Both Trump and Biden are very well knowns and at this point no amount of talk would change my opinions about them.
Biden seemed like he always does. He loses his train of thought, mumbles, misspeaks, looks lost, etc. This was a typical Biden performance. But for some reason the media pundits who have previously been telling us not to belive our own eyes are now saying that Biden can’t do the job. I’m not a conspiracy theorist in general but the sudden change from the media and many democrats seems coordinated.
What was the point? To see how disabled Joe Biden has become.
The questions from the two CNN moderators were excellent, as was their behavior (facial expressions, follow-up questions, tone of voice). I might watch CNN again (a little).
Maybe it’s time for Michelle Obama to enter the race. She may not have the smarts of Joe Biden, but she has never felt “proud to be an American”; surely that counts for something. Also, her husband was the first DEI president, so would be fitting if she could do same for DEI women. Or, how about Hillary Clinton; she brings along here pedophile/serial rapist husband Bill, who can regale foreign leaders with stories of his visits with Jeffrey Epstein.
And, of course our first DEI president Obama smartly hired Joe Biden as his vice president and encouraged him to run for president to fulfill the wonderful legacy of socialism and inclusion that he built. Here’s an idea: Michelle steps in and decides to run and picks Joe Biden as her vice president, so she has an “experienced” leader by her side as she learns to be proud of America.
Fixed this for you “She may not have the smarts”.
What is the possibility that the Democratic party will stick with Joe, get him elected and have him retire after the swearing in, only to have the VP take over?
You can actually hear Joe poop his pants, live on the CBS stream?
Uncle Bosey is turning over in his grave. I mean assuming he has a grave, given that he was eaten by cannibals.
I listened to it live, and later watched it online. Biden was far worse when I watched him online.
Yes, both Trump and Biden are old, but some decline in age faster than others. If you compare Biden today to how he was 6 or 12 months ago, his decline has been noticeable and progressing. I would expect this decline to continue even at a much faster rate to a point he won’t be able to hold a conversation and will resign before the end of his term — we will finally have a female president who is “young” and multiracial!