Gaza: 50,000 pregnant women in October 2023 and 50,000 babies born since October 2023

From the United Nations, October 17, 2023:

UNFPA estimates there are 540,000 women of reproductive age living in Gaza, among whom 50,000 are currently pregnant, and 5,500 are expected to deliver in the next month.

From the United Nations, July 9, 2024:

We are informed that there has been a “genocide” in Gaza and also that approximately 50,000 pregnancies from October turned into approximately 50,000 babies.

In case the above tweet disappears into a memory hole:

Posted in War

8 thoughts on “Gaza: 50,000 pregnant women in October 2023 and 50,000 babies born since October 2023

  1. That is exciting! Maybe the U.S. can fly them all (mothers and children) to the U.S. Elon Musk says the country is at risk of population collapse and here is a perfect solution!

    • But, where else in the world would they be more welcomed than in the U.S. (a nation of built on immigrants just like these could be)? Perfect future enrollees for Harvard and Columbia, where they can major in religion and government, no?

    • Anon: We are informed by the New York Times that the U.S. was primarily built on slavery, not immigrants. “t aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.” —

      (One could also argue that the U.S. is built on land and resources stolen from Native Americans by immigrants.)

    • You make a good point. Perhaps then instead of referring to this exciting potential new group of Americans as immigrants, people in the U.S. would rather describe them as “future esteemed graduates of Harvard and Columbia.” That way, no triggering of all the negative connotations associated with immigrants.

  2. Most of favorite independent journalists are Jewish.
    They are all vehemently anti-zionist.
    Looks like you may be also.

    Our governments (US, UK, Canada, France, Ukraine, Israel) seem to all be authoritarian and evil, and the people are trapped and unhappy.

    As long as we have free speech and good writers there is hope.

    • Ted: As the holder of a U.S. passport (though actually that doesn’t seem to be required for living in the U.S.), I could get big virtue points at zero personal cost by being anti-Zionist!

    • Philg, passport is not required for native born citizens in most countries. Though I think you meant that in the US you don’t need citizenship either.

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