John Deere promises to continue discriminating by skin color and gender ID

Here’s a post that is being celebrated by Deplorables as evidence that Social Justice is under pressure in Corporate America:

If you read to the bottom however, the company promises to “continue to track and advance the diversity of our organization”. Isn’t that a promise to continue discriminating by skin color and gender ID? If they don’t discriminate how are they going to “advance” diversity?

Here’s another story where you need to read beyond the headline… “Microsoft laid off a DEI team, and its lead wrote an internal email blasting how DEI is ‘no longer business critical'” (Business Insider). In fact, the article body quotes Microsoft saying the opposite:

“Our D&I commitments remain unchanged,” a Microsoft spokesperson, Jeff Jones, said in a statement. “Our focus on diversity and inclusion is unwavering and we are holding firm on our expectations, prioritizing accountability, and continuing to focus on this work.”

In case the above tweet is memory-holed: