How do Asian Americans process the elites’ selection of Kamala Harris?

Here’s Kamala Harris using the word “hypothesis” in a sentence:

I’m wondering how Asian Americans with IQs of 150 and long track records of achievement process the phenomenon of Kamala Harris having been selected by Democrat elites. If Harris had been elected via primaries, the intelligent Asian American could understand Harris’s victory by reflecting that “non-Asian American voters are, on average, stupid.” But after their coup against Joe Biden, the Democrats could have selected anyone as their candidate.

Let’s consider Lisa Su, for example. She’s 54 years old, has a Ph.D. in engineering, and has successfully managed a 26,000-employee company in a competitive environment (Intel on one side and Nvidia on the other). When she was elevated to CEO in 2014, revenue at AMD was about $6 billion/year. Today it is 23 billion Bidies per year (i.e., roughly double if we adjust for inflation in the cost of stuff that investors in AMD might want to buy). How does Lisa Su watch the above video, and similar, and make sense of the selection of Kamala Harris, out of pool of more than 200 million, by what we are told is the Party of Science?

Here’s the politician whom Republican primary voters rejected delivering, without notes, a 150-year history of Florida weather, complete with the barometric pressure of various major hurricanes. (This is not to say that I endorse any particular point of view about climate change, though “Changes in Atlantic major hurricane frequency since the late-19th century” (Nature 2021) suggests that DeSantis is correct that recent hurricanes aren’t evidence of significant climate change.)


13 thoughts on “How do Asian Americans process the elites’ selection of Kamala Harris?

  1. I don’t think they have any difficulties here at all. After all, Kamala herself is Asian-American, and, I’m told “the most qualified candidate for president in the history of all time”. Surely they are terribly excited by the prospect of her imminent victory. (There are probably already enough mail-in ballots cast to ensure a tidy victory in the electoral college)

  2. Listening to DeSantis, I keep asking myself, how in the world, he didn’t make it to face Kamala (or Biden). Clearly, lies and false promises, is what voters are looking for.

    • George: The politician who tells the American voter “You aren’t going to get a lot richer unless you work harder” or “Statistically speaking, there are a few hundred million people in China smarter than you” is doomed!

    • And yet, Merkel is a very strong contender for the most destructive post-WWII European political figure.

    • FB: That’s a great point. Despite her Ph.D. in physical chemistry and expressed belief in the spring of 2020 that eventually nearly German would get infected by SARS-CoV-2, she was unable to implement a non-panicked Swedish-style response to the novel virus. Also, she turned Germany into a non-German nation by admitting huge quantities of low-skill migrants (why would they even want to learn the German language?).

    • Don’t forget about the nuclear power plants closures initiated by te PhD:
      “Germany shut down its final three nuclear reactors last April, despite warnings that it would cause more fossil fuel to be burned. Last year, a report from Berlin’s own climate agency said the country was likely to miss its target of cutting greenhouse emissions by 65 percent by 2030.”

      Not that Scholz is any smarter:
      “In September, Scholz dismissed calls from his own coalition to restart the reactors in light of the energy crisis, declaring: “Nuclear energy is over.”

    • If Scholz thinks that nuclear energy is over that means Germany can never have AI! Aren’t all of the AI Net Zero Righteous using nuclear plants to power their LLMs?

  3. As a generalization, Asian Americans seem to feel a great need to fit in and be accepted, you know the tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut, and that seems to drive their political behavior rather than their IQs. So you seem to see Asian Americans, especially women, overrepresented in the Jew hunting mobs at leading universities. My guess is that they join these Jew hating mobs for reasons other than having analyzed the arguments on both sides.

    • Regardless of race, the IQ of 150 or the ability to solve partial differential equations in your head, are irrelevant for grasping political reality. In fact, very often these esoteric skills are rather harmful in this regard.

      So, yes, I see plenty “mathematically smart” Asian endorsing Kamala, no problem.

  4. I hear people talk about “the elites” wanting Kalama to take the top spot, but the opposite was true.

    Who first called for an open convention? The New York Times came out of the gate strong in favor of an open primary as soon as Biden announced he was stepping down.

    Who were the last people to endorse Kamala? Obama and Pelosi.

    In other words, the smartest players and biggest insiders were trying to find a way to get someone else.

    But the rank and file Democratic voters were coming out strong in favor of Kamala.

    I remember seeing a tweet from Pelosi congratulating Biden on stepping down after a successful 4 years, and all the comments were like “Don’t open your damn mouth until you’re ready to endorse Kamala”.

    It also seems like the other candidates refused to run against her.

    If I remember correctly, Big Gretch was one of the first who came out saying she wouldn’t run.

    I think Gavin did the same (although I don’t believe him for a minute).

    I found it odd that the party went from not liking Kamala much to thinking she was fabulous overnight. The tribal brain kicked in hard. My mom, heavy MSNBC watcher, thought Kamala was “as smart as Hillary, smarter than Bill”

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