One-year anniversary of a Republican conspiracy theory

One year ago today… “Republicans float a quiet conspiracy theory that Biden won’t be on the ballot” (NBC):

Though no incumbent president has declined to seek a second term since Lyndon Johnson in 1969, there is an unfounded conversation among a faction on the political right that goes something like this: Democratic power brokers will intervene at the last minute to replace a weakened 80-year-old Biden with someone else as the party’s nominee.

Let’s go back four years to see what I was writing here….

10 thoughts on “One-year anniversary of a Republican conspiracy theory

  1. Who knew the party that saved us from Trump insurrection would win through succession instead of democracy. After the support for Kamal, Gavin would have been a sure thing. There might have been some fear of going too far to Calif*, but the voters are surprisingly disillusioned with the Calif* way of life after all leaving.

  2. Right-wing types loved the Michelle Obama conspiracy. This was something you heard non-stop on right-wing sources but never heard on left-wing sources.

    • It was a commonly stated hope among the lefties on the reddit politics subs that Michelle would take Biden’s spot.

    • David: maybe the Democrats should have listened more carefully to the “right-wing types” you cite! I’m guessing that Michelle Obama would appeal to more voters than Kamala Harris does. Americans seem to accept the idea that having sex with the president, at least occasionally, makes a person qualified to be president, or at least senator. (See Hillary Clinton, for example.) Michelle Obama’s literary output is far ahead of Kamala Harris’s. See and and and

    • Kamala’s poor political skill has been dominant fact for years.

      She did so badly in 2019 she had to drop out before any voting started.

      She was added to the ticket because they needed diversity, but the Biden team didn’t have any confidence in her, so they kept her away from interviews.

      There’s some speculation that Joe chose to run a second time in part because he thought the obvious replacement (Kalama) was too weak to win.

      When it came time to replace Joe, there were two arguments made: (1) replacing Kamala would break the coalition apart, and (2) there’s no time for bringing in someone else.

      Michelle Obama might have solved this problem, but: (1) Michelle doesn’t like politics and doesn’t want the job, and (2) nobody thought you could just pick a person as the replacement without a process.

      But replacing the president with the VP is totally natural. That’s really her only job.

      If she loses, it will reflect what all the insiders knew about her.

      If she wins, Democrats will be embarrassed by her for another 4 years, they’ll be asking themselves “How do we get rid of her and avoid the 2028 loss?”

      She’s a mistake that keeps generating pain.

  3. My guess is that a lot of those Democrats now believe that they could have found someone better than Kamala Harris for the swap.

    • Not sure if any of Obamas would be terribly good for Israel, especially now. I’d speculate that even Kamala, our next president, may be better in this regard, but who knows..

  4. It does seem improbable that they could even find someone more unlikeable than Hillary Clinton, but they are probably so deeply immersed in the hectoring schoolmarm culture that they failed to consider likeability.

    Their ideology significantly limits the thoughts that they allow themselves to think, but one of the few premises that they could entertain without being guilty of crimethink was “Hillary Clinton lost because people are intimidated by Smart Women,…,.” Having accepted that premise, they took it to its logical conclusion: “…so let’s run a retard.”

    To be fair, they ~did~ manage, with the help of the Party media, to install a vegetable last time.

  5. Amazing also on this one how quickly it went through the cycle of “it’s not happening” to “it is happening and it’s a good thing” to “you’re a sexist/racist/bigot if you don’t like it”. Usually that takes a few months/years, but this one was complete in just a week.

    Every DNC phaithful I’ve spoken to about it is now parroting the programmed party line of “party nominations were never a democratic process, the party always did whatever it needed to do to win” (a few hundred years of evidence to the contrary not relevant).

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