Come to MIT January 7-9 for our ground school?

Folks: I hope that you’re almost finished decorating for Kwanzukkuh (Kwanzaa and Hanukkah overlap this year). If you know anyone crazy enough to want (1) to learn to fly, and (2) to be in Boston, Maskachusetts in January, our MIT Private Pilot ground school class is free and open to the public. It’s a for-credit aeronautical engineering dept. class, but anyone can join and get a sign-off from me (an FAA-certificated instructor) to take the knowledge test. Imagine being able to say “I went to MIT and didn’t join Queers for Palestine” or, even better, “I went to MIT and did join Queers for Palestine.”

It’s an all-day every-day class for three days. Here’s the schedule from a year ago:

Thanks to the Boston Covidcrats calling in an airstrike on their own position with the lockdowns of 2020-2022 and not as many hotels being used for migrant housing as in NYC, hotel rooms aren’t priced at crazy levels.

4 thoughts on “Come to MIT January 7-9 for our ground school?

    • RG: That’s a great question. My teacher partner Tina is passionate about that organization and invited Ms. Howards to speak about the various activities that they enjoy. I couldn’t object too strenuously without being branded a hypocrite given that I’m a member of the male-only Quiet Birdmen (secret and also there is a Wikipedia page: )

    • I am grateful to have lived long enough to understand that when the Religion of PeaceⓇ promises successful Jihadists 72 virgins in the afterlife, it may have always meant “one virgin per gender.”

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