Rape gang question: Why did the British imagine that they could build an Islamic country without traditional Islamic cultural practices?

Based on Twitter and the BBC, folks in the UK are upset about “rape gangs”/”grooming gangs” in which Muslim men had sex with a lot of girls from the UK’s legacy population (“white”).

Example (BBC):

I’m surprised that people are surprised. The UK is an Islamic nation (as mentioned by hours spent in religious observance). How was an Islamic nation supposed to work without traditional Islamic cultural practices, such as (1) a ban on alcohol, (2) women and girls being fully covered (hijab and/or burqa), (3) women and girls carefully monitored by family members, etc.?

Here’s a 2023 BBC article that specifically mentions the un-Islamic availability of alcohol as an enabling factor:

It showed how the gang, comprising men of mostly Pakistani and Afghan heritage, plied girls as young as 13 with alcohol and drugs and passed them around for sex.

5 thoughts on “Rape gang question: Why did the British imagine that they could build an Islamic country without traditional Islamic cultural practices?

  1. Your post betrays a common misunderstanding about these horrific crimes. The sale of children into sexual slavery **IS an islamic cultural practice** in Pakistan, Afghanistan and many other islamic countries. The three items you mention do not (in those countries) and would not (in the UK) prevent this from happening because it is welcomed in these islamic cultures. The practice of this religion has become inherently evil in most places where it exists and it would behoove the western world to wake up to this now. We witnessed this pure evil on September 11, 2001 here in the U.S., Israel witnessed it in 2023, and the UK has been witnessing it for a decade, even as the elites there covered up the horror in the name of DEI.

    • I think it might have been said sarcastically. If groups of people are doing something like this, most definitely alcohol, lack of hijab and the lack of monitoring women is not the cause.

      If it was something like catcalling, or a sexual remark, or making a untoward pass, sure the three points mentioned might have prevented them. In my opinion, this level of violence would have rooted from some deep-seated problems, not the three items mentioned.

  2. Sad what Britain has become. I have no sentimental attachment to British Isles, over the years my personal impressions from encounters with Brits are at best neutral and unfortunately more often then not are negative, but as everyone on this globe I owe gratitude to Britain to paraphrase the looser of this presidential election, for what it had been, an engine (British invention) of real economic and technological growth and real societal progress and promoter of real human liberties without sacrificing morality and for past promotion good ideals and standing up for what was right, with some noted exceptions.

    Could be some victims of rape gang there protesting for Gaza ? Supposedly this photo is taken in the UK. https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/231111143419-pro-palestinian-rally-london.jpg

    • Every time you dig deeper into this, the victims of such crimes are those that voluntarily associate with the perpetrators.

      If you pick to young British girls, one never talks to ethnic Pakistanis, the other did, the relative odds of becoming victim would vary by a high ratio.

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