
I started blogging in 1993, unwittingly, with Travels with Samantha. This was distributed via email and static HTML pages with scanned-to-PhotoCD slides.

In 2003, blogging and blog-technology pioneer Dave Winer came to Harvard Law School and I was invited to set up a blog on his Radio UserLand-powered system hosted by Harvard.

The blog was moved here to my personal site in 2018.

See philip.greenspun.com for background information and longer articles.

4 thoughts on “History

  1. I have just this morning come across your article on why it is rational for some whites to resent jewish attitudes towards open borders, immigration, and jewish attitudes towards them. Wow! I confess to finding such self-awareness as rare among Jews as it is rare everywhere else. Bravo!

    • One can only wonder how one “Timothy Denton” became an expert on “Jewish attitudes” and Jewish self-awareness

  2. Hi Phil,
    I have been reading your writings for many years and am a huge fan of your pioneering work in the area of building online communities, much before rest of the world woke up to it.

    Just had a question and appreciate your thoughts (more, the better): What would a “Software Engineering for Internet Applications” look like today?

    In someways, lot of advice about the kind of applications still holds (internet based, database backed and multi-user). At the same time, many things changed as well — Mobile as the end point device and non-browser based applications as the way to access them. I was wondering what is your vision of the prototypical application in the years to come, for the students.

    Thanks for your time. Take care and stay safe (#covid-19).


  3. Hi Phillip.My name is Anthony Banfield I live in England.
    I came across your site whilst trying to find information about a company called “Glendale London” I know you posted about it a while ago and wondered if you had found any further information. I have a vry nice sideboard which is I believe to be early to middle Fifties Art Deco style.
    Hoping to hear from you maybe. Thanks Tony Banfield

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