If the Second Amendment is incompatible with America today…
… why not change America instead of the Constitution?
As has happened after every mass shooting, my Facebook feed is saturated with virtuous anti-gun sentiments. Some of them squarely attack the Second Amendment, e.g., by citing this New York Times Op-Ed (interesting because the article’s first example of a current Constitutional right is immigration). The handful of Deplorables among my friends are outraged and defend their beloved freedoms with statistics showing a downward trend in U.S. gun violence. An AR-15 doesn’t kill people; a pissed-off American with an AR-15 kills people. The Deplorables assume that their attackers are rational and ask questions such as “If the population doubles, would you expect the number of mass shootings to go up, down, or remain the same” (Harvard-educated liberal arts majors respond “the same”! Also, “think of the children”).
Apparently all options are on the table now. Although I am not a gun owner myself I wonder if it wouldn’t be simpler to reengineer the U.S. instead of changing the Constitution so that the gun nuts could be deprived of what is currently their right.
We could start by assuming that any mass shooting will result in a media frenzy and national despair. Thus we need to reduce the absolute probability of a mass shooting anywhere in the U.S., not try to comfort emotional folks with “as a statistical percentage of our current population of 1 billion, this wasn’t as bad as back in the supposedly good old days.”
Mass shootings should scale at least linearly with population growth. If there were 1 person in California and 1 in New York with an empty territory in between it wouldn’t be possible for there to be a mass shooting. With 100 million people the probability should be 2X that compared to 50 million, assuming everyone’s mood stays the same given the higher density. Right now we’re at 327 million residents, mostly in cities packed like rat habitats in a cruel academic experiment. How about a goal of cutting population back to 180 million, the 1960 level? So we eliminate existing cash payments to Americans who have babies and also eliminate low-skill immigration.
Traffic makes people angry. Just last week my regional neighbor Graciela Paulino got angry and shot a fellow user of the collapsing road network (Lowell Sun). How about congestion pricing for the road system so that there is never a traffic jam?
School makes young people angry, apparently. Why not offer the angriest the opportunity to learn in some other environment other than the one-size-fits-all public high school that motivates some to come back with guns?
Criminality is heritable (example: Swedish national adoption study). Why not offer criminals and children of criminals cash incentives to live in a serene environment where criminal tendencies won’t be triggered (so to speak)? And, if we believe the research eggheads, we wouldn’t want to accept immigrants from any society where violence is common or immigrants whose relatives had been criminals.
Suburban isolation seems to be unhealthy for everyone. In the non-profit ideas page that I wrote for my crazy rich Google friends I proposed that, instead of shipping barrels of cash to Africa (like Melinda Gates is doing with the money that Bill earned!), American billionaires could fund “Latin American-style Towns for the U.S.” Then we could all go down to the town square every evening and chat with friends and, ideally, not shoot any of them.
Having a lot of time on one’s hands seems to lead to mental health problems and mental health problems lead, in some cases, to mass shootings. Why not terminate all of the government programs that enable Americans to be idle and brooding for years or decades? (High school itself could be considered one of these programs! It is not intellectually demanding for anyone of above-average intelligence (i.e., 50 percent of people) and therefore gives students plenty of time to brood and plot.)
I’m sure that the above ideas only scratch the surface, but the posting is really about floating an idea: rather than having a huge Constitutional fight and increasing the overall level of hatred that Americans with different political views have for each other, why not try to redesign our way out of this situation?
Readers: What do you think? Could we reengineer U.S. society so that substantially fewer people are motivated to become mass shooters?
[Here’s a post from a Facebook friend who works as a teacher in California, plus excerpts from her follow-up comments:
Why do so many people think gun control is the answer to the problem. That’s as preposterous as the war on drugs. Guns and weapons are nothing new under the sun, but anger seems to be rising in the youth and in the world. We need to heal our broken people and gun control just is a band-aid to the real problem.
[in response to a proposed ban] That’s just it though, u think they won’t have access suddenly. That’s just not reality. Drugs are illegal yet…
Making something illegal is not gonna make the problem disappear. Who here was able to get alcohol before they turned 21? Buy drugs? Make drugs? Pretty sure no law stopped you. Even if they banned all fire arms, do u think that fire arms would disappear??? You’re wasting your time with this argument. Don’t criminalize good people for owning a gun. It’s just gonna create more problems. We don’t live in a country where guns don’t exist so stop pretending. I don’t even eat animals because I hate violence obviously I’m not one to want a gun, but reality is reality.
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