The Jews of India

I recently finished reading The Girl from Foreign on my Kindle (still loving the Kindle for travel when a book is 100 percent text; the Kindle is also good for use on treadmill; the Kindle is useless for books with illustrations due to its lack of pan and zoom).

About one third of the book talks about the remnants of India’s Jewish community, in the news right now because of the Muslim attacks on various gatherings of people in Mumbai, including taking hostages at a Jewish center. The Girl from Foreign records that the Jews of India felt secure from Islamic violence because they were both minorities and the Muslims tended to fight Hindus. Most of the young ones were emigrating to Israel, nonetheless.

A less upsetting reading recommendation: the profusely illustrated and therefore unsuitable-for-Kindle The Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found (remarkably readable despite deep scholarship).