Monday late afternoon get-together in Winter Park, Florida?

Folks: I’ve taken some blog reader suggestions and will be staying two nights in Winter Park. Florida (in the Orlando metro area). I’d be very interested to meet folks for coffee in the late afternoon on Monday, perhaps at 5:30 pm. Please email (to if interested in getting together and, if you have one, suggest a favorite place in downtown Winter Park.

One thought on “Monday late afternoon get-together in Winter Park, Florida?

  1. Phil,

    Sorry I missed this earlier blog on the trip you had to Winter Park, FL. While I live in Palm Beach Gardens, FL (2.5 hrs. South) I would have made the drive up to meet you. If you ever get to FL again, particularly F45 (Noth County Palm Beach) or any other Florida locations, I’d welcome the opportunity to meet and talk aviation. I’m a Cessna Skylane G1000 182T owner-got my PP earlier this year. The website was a real help in making the decision for this aircraft. I’m curious if you ever moved forward with the Piper Malibu. All the Best.

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