Only the government can save us…

The Associated Press wrote a story with a headline picked up by a variety of news outlets, including “Man reported missing at sea 66 days ago found by Coast Guard”. Louis Jordan probably would have died if the $20 million Jayhawk helicopter funded by the taxpayers hadn’t found him, right? Both the headlined article and this article explain that a container ship, the Houston Express, spotted Jordan and took him on board. Jordan was enjoying food and drink on board the ship when the Coast Guard helicopter showed up to bring him back to a hospital (where he was quickly discharged due to nothing being wrong).

If our tax dollars don’t get the credit for this rescue then surely American ingenuity and seamanship do? Well.. it seems that the 1090′-long Houston Express is a German ship, built in South Korea.

[This is not to suggest that the Coast Guard doesn’t execute a lot of amazing rescues. I just thought the headline was an interesting window into the American journalist’s subconscious mind.]

I predict a bright future for Mr. Jordan as an EPIRB salesman.

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Aviation in the Muslim world back in the 1960s

I’m working my way deeper into Three-Eight Charlie, Jerrie Mock‘s book about her 1964 round-the-world trip in a single-engine Cessna. Mock’s route takes her through Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. All of the countries stifle private aviation with bureaucracy. It typically takes Mock 6 hours to get through flight planning, weather briefing, fee paying, fueling, immigration, and customs and be ready to depart.


We drove along the beautiful, wide, modern “Corniche” that runs along the eastern bank of the historic Nile. Across the broad, brown river, almost hidden by dusty haze, faint outlines of the giant pyramids could be seen between tall antenna towers and giant billboards …

Soon an efficient-looking gasoline truck with a Shell emblem appeared, complete with a crew of four, dressed in uniforms just like home. The crew chief didn’t speak Engligh, so I motioned to the airplane tanks and the AID man said something in Arabic. But instead of unwinding hoses and pumping gas into the airplane, they all stood around, waiting for something. After a while, I asked the translator why the men didn’t get started. “In a few minutes.” Peter Barker and I waited for a few minutes and then I asked again. “The ‘man’ is not here.” “Which ‘man’?” They shrugged. Finally I asked where he was. “Oh, we will call him.” One of the truck’s crew was sent into a nearby building. Nothing else happened, and the messenger didn’t return. He must have been trying to call the “man who wasn’t there” on another phone that didn’t work.

On the way home from the reception, we searched for the Marconi Overseas Communications Building, which would take my RCA credit card. Peter Barker had decided that the best way was to take a taxi, but the driver didn’t speak English and we spent about an hour going in what seemed to be circles and backtracking before we finally found the place. For some reason, the giant modern office is closed daily from two to six. I’m curious. It’s too late for lunch, too early for dinner, too long for a siesta, and it can’t be because of the afternoon heat, because the building is air-conditioned. I wonder what would happen to Wall Street if we tried that at home.

The U.A.R. is a country of contrasts. The government is racing to cover, in a few years, the distance between the ancient past when Egypt ruled the known world and the present, and to make the country into an industrial complex that will rival any in the atomic age. But in its headlong dash to impress, little details are overlooked. Just a few feet from me rose a giant, marble-tiled terminal building, equipped with the latest of air-conditioning, escalators, loud-speakers announcing arrivals and departures in five languages, a tower with a radio-communications system that worked, and surrounded with silver jets that could fly at speeds exceeding five hundred miles per hour. Beside all this magnificence sat the ridiculous-looking little barrel of gasoline that a dozen men couldn’t make work. A little private grass strip at home is expected to give better service.

When it came to paper work and polite conversation to kill time, the Egyptians were masters. But the airplane was a mystery to them.

Saudi Arabia:

Dhahran Airport may be the most beautiful in the world. Its gleaming concrete strip is 10,000 feet long, and the marble-columned terminal is a worthy reminder of the graceful grandeur of the Islamic architecture of the Taj Mahal. A U.S. Navy Blue Angel jet was taking off as I came into the traffic pattern. Several hundred white-robed people were crowded onto the broad steps of the terminal, waiting to see the first flying housewife to venture into this part of the world. As I climbed from the red-and-white plane and was presented with a huge bouquet of gladioli (they had been flown in from Cairo especially for me), they saw from my blue skirt that I truly must be a woman, and sent up a shout and applauded.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the most puritanical, or orthodox, of the Muslim countries, and the Islamic religion makes the laws of the country. From the time of the Prophet Mohammed, Arabian women have been hidden from all but their immediate families. They may not see, or be seen by, the outside world. To show one’s face or even wear bright clothes is a great sin. For a woman to drive a car in Arabia is not only wanton but prohibited by law, under penalty of her husbands being sent to jail. While European or American women are permitted to go in public unveiled, even they may not drive. So the men were puzzled. Probably no one had thought to make a law saying a woman couldn’t drive an airplane, but somehow the men thought it couldn’t be happening.

Then, in the excitement, one of them evaded the handsome airforce guards that Prince—later King—Faisal had sent to look after Charlie and me. He looked into the crowded cabin, saw the huge gasoline tanks that filled the inside of the plane, except for my one seat. His white-kaffiyeh-covered head nodded vehemently, and he shouted to the throng that there was no man. This brought a rousing ovation.

Despite the warm welcome of the Saudis, Mock was not tempted to join up as a permanent member: “It sounds terribly romantic, but as long as Islam rules the desert, I know that if I find a black camel-hair tent and venture in, I’ll be hidden behind the silken screen of the harem, with the other women, and my dinner will be the men’s leftovers.”


No veils, although I guess some of the Muslim women in Pakistan still carry on the old tradition of purdah. This was the sixth country I visited where Islam is the state religion, but each place seemed to have its own way of obeying the Koran.

Karachi is the biggest city in Pakistan, with a population of over two million people [10 million today!], but much of its growth was a rapid expansion that occurred after it was made the capital of the new country in 1947.

The aircraft was not kept at Karachi International, but at a smaller field. To make a cross-country flight, one first went to the small field to get the plane and flew it over to the International Airport. Then followed the weather folder and flight-plan form, before they could leave. It was impossible to use either the airplane radio or a telephone for any of this. When they returned from the flight, they again went into the International Airport to close the flight plan in person, before returning to the Aero Club location. You could spend three hours on paper work for a hundred-mile flight.

Only yesterday, I had been on the far side of the Persian Gulf where the centuries-old attitudes say women aren’t allowed to drive a car. Today, after only four and a half hours of flying, I was in a completely different culture, equally Islamic, being shown through preflight procedures by two women pilots.

Mock observed that “The airplane is shrinking the world. People from different backgrounds and cultures are being thrown together, sometimes so quickly and briefly that they don’t have a chance to know each other. Hurt feelings can easily be caused by an innocent action.” A good thought to remember as Americans keep trying to control events in distant places with radically different cultures.


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Me on 20/20 tomorrow night

ABC News interviewed me today for a 20/20 show that will air Friday (tomorrow) evening (10 pm Eastern). The topic was to what extent a mentally ill pilot can continue to work for an airline (previous posting on the subject) with some background on how pilots are screened and medically evaluated. I fear the by the time it is all edited there will be demands for more FAA regulation in an attempt to keep everyone perfectly safe (who can argue against that?). I wish that I had said that we are all our brother’s keeper to some extent. So yes either of the two people up front in a modern jet could send us into the ground (even just through incompetence!), but at the same time the safety record of airlines shows that our faith in our fellow men and women is not misplaced. And I did note that how can you be sure that the 17-year-old in the 6000 lb. SUV next to you on the highway is in a good mental place?

[Separately, I learned a few things about network broadcast journalism. ABC News captures in 720p on the theory that this somehow results in fewer motion artifacts for sports than 1080p. They used Sony cameras and Sennheiser and Lectrosonics wireless mics for this project. The crew consists of talent (Ryan Smith, a former attorney), a producer, a more senior producer listening from New York (via speakerphone tucked into the cameraman’s jacket), a cameraman, a sound engineer following behind the cameraman connected by cables (a camel-like arrangement). The idea was initially to film at Hanscom Field, a taxpayer-owned airport managed by Massport, but Massport management and media relations refused to allow ABC News onto the field (sort of odd that the public’s access to publicly owned property has been reduced in this manner, but this seems to be Massport’s general rule based on previous requests; this is an especially large reduction because at one time there were some TV station helicopters actually based on the field and therefore media were permitted to be present 24×7; I’m wondering how much of the rest of what happens in the U.S. is now walled off from the public by image-conscious government agencies.) So we flew over to a friend’s hangar at KLWM, a city-owned airport where they don’t have enough staff on the payroll to hassle journalists being escorted by hangar tenants. It took about 2 hours to get what will likely turn out to be 3 minutes of broadcast footage.]

Update: I heard from the producer that the story might end up on a different night and/or on Nightline.

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Around the world in 1964

Inspired by meeting Matt Guthmiller, the youngest pilot ever to fly around the world, I’ve decided to dip into the classic around-the-world aviation literature. Three-Eight Charlie has been a $100 collectible until the 50th anniversary of this 1964 flight came around and now it is a $3 Kindle book. Jerrie Mock did the trip in 1964 in a Cessna 180 taildragger with no deicing gear. Mock had a Private certificate and a fresh instrument rating. Her 11-year-old plane was equipped with an autopilot but no deicing gear. What about the single engine in an age before CNC machine tools made everything mechanical more reliable?

It never hurts to have an extra. Except for engines. On a long flight, where the plane is overloaded, if one engine of a twin were to quit, a second one wouldn’t do much good. The average light twin isn’t much good at maintaining altitude when it’s loaded down …

The Cessna’s cabin tanks were full of gas, and the plane must have weighed almost 3,400 pounds—a lot more than the 2,500 pounds that it was normally licensed for. My ferry permit, from the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency, made the flight legal, but not necessarily safe. …

The autopilot does not seem to have been digital…

It was a funny feeling to sit there in the middle of the clouds, with nothing to look at beyond the red nose of the Cessna and know that the gyroscopes and pneumatic valves and bellows in the autopilot would take me safely to my destination.

Radio communications and navigation were in some ways the same 50 years ago and also completely different. Voice-over-VHF was used when reasonably near an airport, e.g., 50 miles away. Finicky HF was used when out over the ocean. VORs were new and ADFs were standard. The idiot-proof GPS and moving map was 30 years in the future. Mock was thus often lost:

[when flying from the Midwest to Bermuda on the first leg] I turned on the ADFs (Automatic Direction Finder) and tuned them to the Bermuda beacon. I was surprised and delighted to pick up a weak signal. I had hoped for long-range reception, but hadn’t really thought I could get a station this far away. But now what? The needles of the two sets were pointing 60 degrees apart! Which one was giving me a true bearing to the station?

Well, the number-one ADF hadn’t been disturbed, as far as I knew, so I decided to trust it. I wondered which direction the wind was blowing the plane. I knew I had a westerly tail wind, but was it from the southwest, west, or northwest? I was to have received that information from Kindley, but that was impossible without the HF radio.

Mock makes it to the Azores:

Then I noticed that the plane seemed to be slowing up. The airspeed had dropped off a little. Not much—but why? Was the plane climbing? No, it had lost altitude! I pushed in the throttle for more power. Was something wrong with the engine? Did I have carburetor ice? No. The engine instruments showed the proper amount of rpm and manifold pressure. And I was using enough carburetor heat to keep the Richter carburetor air temperature gauge in the green, indicating ice couldn’t form. Maybe I had forgotten to retrim the plane. I shut off the autopilot to see if that made any difference. No, the autopilot was OK. But something was certainly wrong. Even with the increased power, the plane didn’t want to hold altitude. And then I had a frightening thought. Ice! I found a flashlight and turned its beam on the strut outside my door. Ice! About an inch of it clung to the leading edge of the strut. Undoubtedly, as much, or more, would also be on the wings, although I couldn’t see them from inside the plane.

Where was Santa Maria? Ah, the beacon! “Three-Eight Charlie is over Sierra Mike Alfa.” I was cleared to make an ADF approach. I hoped I could remember how to do it. As I was making my procedural turn and starting inbound to the airport, I had a vague feeling that the headings were off a little. The compass maybe? Fortunately, the beacon was on the airport.

“Three-Eight Charlie. Don’t hit the mountains.” The controller sounded a little nervous.

If the Air Force men had been up all night, waiting for me, they showed no signs of weariness. I wished I looked as wide awake. One of the officers was General Boylan, and he explained that they had flown over from Lajes Air Force Base, on Terceira Island, about 150 miles away. He had a message from Gen. Robert Strauss at Lockbourne Air Force Base in Columbus. So! All this special attention from the Air Force was Bob Strauss’s work! General Boylan informed me that the ceiling had been one hundred feet when I landed. I didn’t tell him it was the first instrument approach I had ever made without an instructor.

So far I’ve only followed Mock to Casablanca but I’m enjoying the book as a reminder of just how adventurous some people were back in the old days.


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Nikon stomps all over Canon yet again

The cruel lab rats at DxOMark have completed a test of the latest Nikon D5500 APS-C SLR. The comparison page shows that you would have to be suffering from a serious vision impairment to want to purchase a Canon 70D. The Nikon offers 2.5 f-stops more dynamic range (ability to capture both shadows and highlights in the same photo). The Nikon also has somewhat better low-light performance. The Canon SLR scores about as well as a Sony pocket-sized point and shoot camera.

Who wants to take a crack at explaining how Canon continues to be the market leader in higher-end digital cameras? (press release)

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How much work is done by Americans who don’t work?

If you read the news you learn that hardly anyone in America has any money, except for a few rich overlords. If you go to the mall you can’t find a parking space because the place is so clogged with BMW and Mercedes SUVs; if you want to interview a lower-middle class person you have to persuade them to hang up their iPhone. Economists Anat Bracha and Mary A. Burke at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston chip away at this discrepancy with “Informal Work Activity in the United States: Evidence from Survey Responses.” It turns out that people whom the BLS characterizes as “unemployed” actually perform paid work about 15 hours per month.

The authors win this month’s Mark Twain* Prize for Understatement: “By informal work we refer to temporary or occasional side jobs from which earnings are presumably not reported in full to the Internal Revenue Service…”

This paper may be worth reading in conjunction with The Redistribution Recession: How Labor Market Distortions Contracted the Economy in which the author catalogs all of the means-tested government benefits that an unemployed or marginally employed person stands to lose if that person has earnings that are reported to the IRS. (And of course, an alimony or child support plaintiff may also suffer a reduction in non-wage income if IRS income increases, thus making informal work relatively more attractive.) Casey Mulligan, the author of The Redistribution Recession, points out that some government programs create a greater-than-100-percent marginal tax rate for low-income Americans (i.e., if they had additional formal W-2 income of $X they would lose more than $X in means-tested benefits).

* Twain said: “James Ross Clemens, a cousin of mine, was seriously ill two or three weeks ago in London, but is well now. The report of my illness grew out of his illness; the report of my death was an exaggeration.” (often misquoted as “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”)

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