Bank your way out of the vortex ring state

A new emergency procedure, in Year 70 of widespread helicopter flying… a technique for getting out of vortex ring state with a powered bank instead of by reducing power and lowering the noise: “Flying Through the Vortex” (Rotor & Wing, September 1, 2015) by Tim Tucker, reporting on a technique developed by Claude Vuichard, a Swiss pilot.

6 thoughts on “Bank your way out of the vortex ring state

  1. Pilot (of non-rotorcraft) that I am, I also assumed this was about some impending economic disaster, not aviation.

  2. In hindsight, it seems perfectly intuitive that slipping sideways would take you out of a downdraft but somehow no one figured this out until Mr. Vuichard. I suppose the inherently fragile nature of helicopter dynamics does not encourage experimentation. Apologies if I have not used the right terminology.

  3. I wonder how this might be used when flying the V22. I seem to recall that at least one a/c was lost due to ring vortex.

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