Prediction: Hillary Clinton wins Massachusetts due to being the only socially acceptable candidate

If we model voting as a social phenomenon, this image shows why Hillary Clinton wins the Massachusetts primary:

2016-03-01 12.31.50

There was not a single other candidate that anyone in our town was willing to be seen supporting. (Maybe I will go down there at 5 pm with a “Jesus Loves Trump” sign and a blood pressure meter to see what happens!)

(As per usual, most of the ballot was taken up by candidates running unopposed. One interesting item is that the Democrats in Massachusetts have positions titled “State Committee Man” and “State Committee Woman” for which there is a gender ID requirement. There was not an interesting electoral contest for these positions, as each one had a single unopposed candidate. But the existence of these positions raises the question: what if a successful “State Committee Man” decides to identify as a “woman” at some point subsequent to his/her election? How are these positions meaningful in a transgender age?)

11 thoughts on “Prediction: Hillary Clinton wins Massachusetts due to being the only socially acceptable candidate

  1. Something to remember the next time a MA person decides to tell me how red-staters are all simple, single-track voters without an independent mind.

  2. Out here on the Left Coast, in the “People’s Republic of Santa Monica,” I’ve only seen Bernie bumper stickers; none for Hillary.

  3. Elected political committee positions are generally divided 50/50 on gender lines.

    Of course, now that gender is fluid, who knows what will happen going forward.

  4. 100% of Cambridge, MA, reporting: Clinton 53%, Sanders 46%.
    source: tweet, accuracy?

  5. Paul: Sanders did a lot better than I expected! But of course, not well enough to win the state. And even if he had won, he would have lost because Massachusetts has a bunch of “superdelegates” who were already in the bag for Hillary.

  6. “20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party to vote for Trump”

    This hasn’t been mentioned much elsewhere, though Trump himself is starting to talk up the higher Republican vs. Democratic turnout.

    There are enough Trump/ Sanders voters that this is almost certainly helping Hilary Clinton to some extent. Its hard to see Democrats crossing over to the Republican primary to vote to Trump (I think its safe to assume they are almost all Trump voters) voting for Hilary Clinton. But this will wind up killing her chances in the general election.

  7. “20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party to vote for Trump”

    I think they probably remain Democrats, but want Republicans to nominate a candidate that Hillary can easily defeat.

  8. You guys are just flat out wrong about Hillary waltzing over Trump. Trump will have the media saturated continuously with Hillary’s filthy laundry and corruption. Nobody likes Hillary. Democrat turn out will be low and Republican turn-out will be high.

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