Chelsea Clinton: it is sometimes funny to joke about killing people?

“Chelsea Clinton: Kathy Griffin’s Trump-beheading photo ‘vile and wrong'” quotes Chelsea Clinton as saying “It is never funny to joke about killing the president.”

Let’s accept this as true. But isn’t the necessary implication that it is at least sometimes funny to joke about killing people who are not the president? When are those occasions? And why would it be funnier to imagine the death of a non-president versus imagining the death of a president?

13 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton: it is sometimes funny to joke about killing people?

  1. That is not a correct inference. If all Jokes about killing individuals is set A, and all jokes that are funny is set B, your implication is only true if A∧B ≠ Ø

    If assume a case in which it is never funny to joke about killing anyone (A∧B ≠ Ø) then affirmation “it is never funny to joke about killing the president” holds, as it is a subset of “killing individuals”. However, your implication is wrong in this case, as we have previously established than no joke about killing individuals is a funny joke.

  2. Suppose we have a set of jokes about killing pres R and a set of jokes about killing ppl P. Clearly, R ⊂ P. Finally, there’s a set of funny jokes F.
    Now how from a statement “R ∩ F = ∅” does it follow that “P ∩ F ≠ ∅” ?

  3. “2/ OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever!” Griffin added in a separate tweet. “I’m merely mocking the Mocker in Chief.”

    Once again proving women have no sense of humor.

  4. Jokes about killing people funny? Sure. “The life of Brian”, to me, is funny. And poking such kind of fun out of the very death of Jesus is not lower than any “presidential” level.

    Doesn’t mean everybody has to share this view. Remember: when the movie was released, many people thought it wasn’t funny.

    To me it’s not so much the question if such is done, or about whom it is done. More of how it is done, and by whom.

    Still, humor and tragedy have a strong relationship. I always thought real humor is about coping with the not-so-nice aspects of life.

    Was this photo funny? Sure. It was about Trump, so what could possibly go wrong? I’m convinced many people “liked” this, shared it, while giggling. If people laugh, it must be funny. No doubt.

    The thing is that I don’t sense any humor. May be I missed the context. Did Mr. Trump make a stupid joke about, perhaps, Daniel Pearl, recently?

  5. The reason to assume that some jokes about killing people may be funny is that Chelsea had the option to say “it is never funny to joke about killing people,” but chose not to (Mr. Trump is a person). If we assume Chelsea would choose the most general factual statement, then the inference is true.

    Would Chelsea pick the most general statement? Not necessarily, but it is true that people generally don’t make statements too specific. She didn’t say “it’s never funny to joke about killing the president on a Tuesday,” or “it’s never funny to joke about killing the president he is more than seventy years old.”

  6. Chelsea meant to say “it is never funny to joke about killing people of the type that I am closely related to.”

  7. I say i hope Chelsea Clinton catches aids and dies. Ha Ha Ha. Always funny to make Chelsea Clinton Aids jokes.

  8. Let’s accept this as true. But isn’t the necessary implication that it is at least sometimes funny to joke about killing people who are not the president? When are those occasions? And why would it be funnier to imagine the death of a non-president versus imagining the death of a president?

    Why should we accept it as true? Isn’t humor a personal matter? What’s funny to me is not necessarily funny to you and vice versa. If you ask the top comedians what makes something funny, it’s hard for them to really explain it.

  9. A former Brooklynite told a close family member if he had a revolver with three bullets*, he’d shoot [Adolf] Hitler twice and [Walter] O’Malley once.

    * and presumably, a time machine

  10. “If you ask the top comedians what makes something funny, it’s hard for them to really explain it.”

    It’s when the audience claps afterwards, isn’t it?

  11. “A former Brooklynite told a close family member if he had a revolver with three bullets*, he’d shoot [Adolf] Hitler twice and [Walter] O’Malley once.”

    Without knowing this O’Malley, it would have been funnier if your guy had shot him twice though.

  12. It’s when the audience claps afterwards, isn’t it?

    No, clapping doesn’t make anything funny.

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