Robinson R66 makes it around the world

Two pilots in a Robinson R66 (plus ferry tank!) made it around the world in 97 days:

Their motto is “Empowering People” (not to be confused with Shaesta Waiz‘s “Empowering Women” and “Inspiring Women”!). But how many people will feel “empowered” if they learn that doing this requires years of training and suitcases full of cash?


One thought on “Robinson R66 makes it around the world

  1. Videos from all 66 of their flying days are on YouTube on channel “Pilot Yellow”. In summary: travelling via general aviation is difficult in most of the world outside NAmerica and Europe. Permits get canceled, plans get refused, landing fees are big ($1800 in Taiwan), pre-paid fuel doesn’t show up, controllers don’t speak English (hire an onboard native guide), etc. At the end of their trip, they conclude Vancouver (their home) is the best place in the world to fly helicopters.

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