Stuff that I got spectacularly wrong in 2003

I’ve been going back through some old blog postings here as part of the migration effort from Harvard’s server.

Here are some things that I got wrong…

7 thoughts on “Stuff that I got spectacularly wrong in 2003

  1. Regarding cheap Chines cars, if you take away all the extra “convince technologies” that come with a car as well as the extra over blown safety features such as collusion detection, rear view camera, etc, you can build a new car at under $10,000 which is not too far off from your prediction of $4,200. Yes it will be a small 4 passenger car but it is doable if all that you want is get from point-A to point-B.

  2. Really sad that your blog is no longer hosted on the Harvard domain. The diversity of thought that you added to the Harvard domain was extraordinary.

  3. @ScarletNumbers,

    > How is a rear-view camera over blown? I use it every day.

    Look at it this way. If your rear-view mirror or headlights are broken, you cannot driver your car day or night for days or weeks on-and-on without getting it fixed sooner than later, but you can drive your car for years on-and-on without having to fix your rear-view camera if it breaks. Thus, it is a convince technologies not a necessity.

  4. I think part of the reason we have cheap Chinese air conditioners but not cars is regulatory capture. There is a monstrous set of rules governing cars sold in the US, and a totally different set of rules for EU cars. Now add the thicket of rules surrounding sales; like how you still can’t legally buy a Tesla in many states due to dealer-protection laws.

  5. >> U.S. politics would become more rational and issue/policy-based
    I guess you forgot the 205 years of history when you made that prediction.

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