“When a Boyfriend Joins the Marriage” (nytimes):
I wanted my family. And I wanted my boyfriend.
We set a meeting for the playground the following week. We three adults had planned it out carefully. My son and I would be playing on the monkey bars. My boyfriend would show up and I would introduce him as my friend.
When this began, we still lived in a large apartment in the Mission; there was room for privacy the nights my boyfriend stayed over. It was awkward at first, but as the years passed we spent more time as a foursome — cooking, playing board games.
Then the owner of our apartment decided to sell and offered us an enormous sum of money to surrender our rent-controlled lease.
At the new house, my beau built a platform so I could store the mattress beneath a raised office, but it never felt right. It wasn’t sexy to sleep with him under piles of papers and the glow of the computer screen saver.
Will more people envy her life of sexual adventure or the rent-controlled apartment in San Francisco that she had?
An abundance of men & scarcity of women causes interesting dynamics in SOMA. The scarcity of women causes them to have short term relationships with many men while the surplus of men tends to be monogamous with their once in a lifetime girlfriends.
Instead of breaking up before changing partners, they could just have multiple partners simultaneously & try the men before the men buy. Just need to get the liberal women more used to being around a macbook screen saver like the rest of the world.
It would be a lot more interesting if the story was written from the husband’s perspective.
I often wonder how many of these “articles” are fictitious.