I was asked to fill out a form showing the aircraft that I have flown and it turned out to be a longer list than expected…
- 8KAB (Decathlon)
- AA5 (Grumman Tiger)
- AC95 (Twin Commander 1000 turboprop)
- B200 (King Air 200 turboprop)
- B206
- B505 (new Jet Ranger)
- BE36
- BE55
- BE58
- BE103 (Beriev twin-engine seaplane!)
- C172
- C182
- C210 (in southern Africa)
- C310 (crazy noisy!)
- C510 (Cessna Mustang jet)
- CJ3
- CL65 (Canadair Regional Jet)
- COL4 (Columbia 400/Cessna 400)
- DA20 (Diamond Katana)
- DA40 (Diamond Star)
- EMB-500 (Phenom 100 jet)
- Evolution (experimental turboprop)
- Gamebird GB1
- HK36 (motor glider)
- M20T (turbocharged Mooney)
- PA12 (Piper Super Cruiser… on floats!)
- PA28
- PA32
- PA34
- PA38 (with a very slender student!)
- PA44
- PA46 (Malibu; the dream family airplane as long as one can get a letter from God promising that the engine won’t quit)
- PC12
- R22
- R44
- R66
- SGS 2-32 (glider)
- SGS 2-33 (glider)
- SR20
- SR22
- TBM850
Adding to this blog so that the information doesn’t get lost. I was thinking that it would be good to put the favorites in bold, but I realized that at least half of the above aircraft would need to be marked. Most of them have at least some great characteristics.
The list would be a bit longer if I included variants, e.g., the turboprop versions of the PA46, the retractable version of the PA28, or the turbocharged version of the SR22.
Despite FAA English proficiency requirements for certificate holders, I am having some trouble understanding this new copilot. I think that he is complaining about the lack of A/C in the Cirrus:

Who cares about the list of aircraft types that you have flown.
We finally know that Philip Greenspun == Han Solo
How did you like the gamebird and lancair evolution?
I need to do a full review on the GameBird. It is crazy fun! It is no louder inside than a Cirrus SR20 despite the higher airspeeds. Fantastic view. Way more comfortable than the Decathlon, though I’m not sure about the seating position for hours and hours (i.e., not sure if it can be a replacement for the Cirrus for Boston/NY or Boston/DC). Maybe an aerobatic Bonanza is the right airplane for the elderly aerobatic pilot! Also, the GameBird does not yet have an autopilot, I don’t think.
I am not a fan of the Evolution. Maybe if I had some yoga lessons before trying to get into the right seat from the single door. The door latching mechanism is not really up to the challenge of a pressurized aircraft (I think they may have fixed it, but popping open in flight was not uncommon). Putting only four seats behind a million-dollar PT6 is not my idea of brilliant engineering. I would rather have a 20-year-old TBM (admittedly the maintenance cost will be 5-10X and the hangar costs will be 2-3X) for the same price or an elderly Piper Meridian for a lot less. Maybe even a Mitsubishi MU-2 would be preferable! At least passengers wouldn’t be staring at mandatory “You are probably going to die” placards.
I’ve never seen your legs photographed before. There is good reason for that.
Show us your legs, if you’ve got anything better!
You should see the stack of $100 bills that I got from women at Burning Man, gladly paying me to put my shirt back on. (It is supposedly a gift economy, but I guess some people carry cash for emergencies.)
off topic but fun: I found it funny that Trump recently pulled a big “Phil” move to kindly deliver all of the migrants to Sanctuary cities – and they all turned it down! LOL!
Phil move reminded me of Philip K Dick move:
Convincing your girlfriend she’s crazy is called gaslighting, and it’s a dick move.
Convincing your girlfriend she’s a robot with artificially implanted human emotions is called bladerunning.
It’s a Phillip K. Dick move.
Great list and thanks for the GB comments (I have T-34 time – it is not the answer for aging aero). My list overlaps on 14. I was most surprised at no S-300, F-28 or any gliders.
I do have a tiny bit of glider time. Stuck it in there as an update.
BE36 but no short body Bonanzas.