American regulations meet smart immigrants: free college tuition with guardianship

Sadly paywalled, but one of my favorite recent news articles: “The College Financial-Aid Guardianship Loophole and the Woman Who Thought It Up” (WSJ).

A smart immigrant from Bulgaria read the rules for college financial aid written by comparatively dumb Americans and figured out how any child can get a free college education, as long as the parents are smart enough to waltz down to the local probate or family court and transfer guardianship.

Of course, under the “almost everything is a federal crime” system, the government is now planning to make an example of her.


3 thoughts on “American regulations meet smart immigrants: free college tuition with guardianship

  1. So … 10-year olds are treated like adults when seeking hormones for gender re-assignment, but 22-year olds are treated like children when seeking $ for college tuition? What a country!

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