We went down to Washington, D.C. for Women’s March Weekend.
On Sunday, a park ranger showing us the World War II Memorial explained that the Mall was originally intended to be dedicated to peace. “Then the Vietnam Veterans demanded a memorial [1982] and who can say ‘no’ to a Vietnam Vet,” he opened. “After that, people said that the Korean War was literally called ‘The Forgotten War’ so they got a memorial too. Then people said ‘What about the Big One?’ so now we have this World War II memorial.”
“World War II was primarily prosecuted by American women?” asked an immigrant friend and companion for this outing. “Maybe Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton were here one midnight chiseling out the stone.”

Authentic picture of the crowd gathered for the Donald Trump inauguration:

View from the ground:
In front of the memorial to the man great enough to free all of the slaves in states over which he had no authority:

(Would this be like saying “I am donating all of the cars in Massachusetts, except for the one that I own and am driving, to charity”?)
Organic gender binarism at the Flower Child restaurant:

The D.C. area is so political that the Rockville, Maryland CVS carries a replica Bernie Sanders campaign bus:

Back to the War on the Mall theme… if we add up the reverential stories from Democrats and Republicans about our great military and the sacrifices that they’ve made for us (even those who simply worked a desk job while in uniform), the only logical conclusion is that these people are so great and so heroic that they should run everything.
Readers: If our military took over the Mall in the past 40 years, is it likely that they will also take over the government within the next 100?
War between countries is just as biologically programmed as war in marriage, as hard as it is to believe anything could be worse than marriage. The traditional view is government’s only job is defending the country.
American people are the real problem: they are racist, sexist, reactionary rednecks, they are not willing to subscribe to The New York Times and are otherwise very bad people.
They are the climate deniers: they object to the obvious fact that climate exists and refuse to upgrade their retrograde refrigerators and dishwashers (hello Phil!).
They stand in the way of the progressive LBGT views of what our future generations may, should, and will be.
If not for the American people, our republic would have been so much more perfect. Our fascist Congress derives its representation on a retrograde idea of how many there are, or indirectly, on how many are getting f***ed.
Down with the American people! I belong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!