Black Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter sign for a car

A friend’s high school-age son recently earned his driver’s license. He already has an idea for improving the family Tesla 3: a rotating license plate, like in the old James Bond movies, that would read “Black Lives Matter” when the GPS determined that the car was traversing urban territory and “Blue Lives Matter” when on the Interstate highway or in the suburbs.

This product seems to be available commercially:

I wonder if it could be improved, though. How about E Ink-based signs built into the four sides of a car? As the Social Justice movement progresses over the years, the signs could be kept up to date from a touch screen within the car or automatically downloaded from the manufacturer’s social justice executives. When driving into a retrograde Red State, the messages could automatically be switched to “Heading to Sturgis,” “Preserve the Second Amendment,” and similar.

3 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter/Blue Lives Matter sign for a car

  1. I love how you can pay for the license plate flipper in Bitcoin! Birds of a feather think alike, or something like that.

    The E-Ink idea is probably coming in some form very soon, and the people who do vehicle wraps will be on the forefront. Maybe NASCAR, too, if they can make it light (weight) and bright. Anywhere sponsor names have to go. I expect blood to run red on the highways if you can change the car’s appearance in motion, though. The existing accessory lighting kits are wild enough, thank you. How about a cloaking device?

    In other tech., I want to see a machine learning / GAN based system for psychological assessment of politicians. It churns through every known video clip, public appearance, and even a live Q&A training session and spits out the full profile. Then you turn that inside out and use it to augment deep fake videos. Turn Vladimir Putin into an introspective empathic sufferer.

    • From “Moving Violations” (1985). Heaven help us when cars have active camouflage in the visible spectrum and/or movies running on all four sides. It’s bad enough that people can watch them inside their cars. Gives new meaning to the term “Drive In Movie.”

  2. This is reminiscent of the old stand-up bit that GPS should take into account the race of the driver and the demographics of the neighborhood when giving directions.

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