California current COVID-19 rate more than double South Dakota’s

From the CDC: California (nation’s second most restricted state) now has the highest rate of current COVID-19 cases in the U.S., more than double the rate of never-masked, never-shut South Dakota (nation’s most free state) and about 5X the rate in give-the-finger-to-the-virus Sweden.

(South Dakota is at 43.)

From WHO:

(Adjust for 7 days to get the daily rate that the CDC uses and then for the fact that Sweden has 10.4 million population.)

And a comparison whose source I can’t find…

9 thoughts on “California current COVID-19 rate more than double South Dakota’s

  1. Here in Canadastan, from Jan-Dec there were ~12,000 total deaths attributed to c19, but only 166 of those were people not already receiving long-term care (avg life expectancy 14 months, median 5 months). Every year in Canada there are ~2,000 deaths from traffic accidents. So if a person is healthy enough to not be in long term care, they are > 10x more likely to die in a traffic accident than from c19.

    So logically, we should be more worried about traffic accidents than c19. Forget about masks, we need to shutdown all roads until travel for the herd is 100% safe!

    • PhilG: It’s relatively easy to pick an appropriate timeframe and a metric across countries/states/measures (cases, deaths, CFR, etc) to support whatever point one wants to make. What I have gleaned – so far – from all of this is the virus has a way of humbling any entity that proclaims either victory or understanding, and humility is probably the best approach to take in moving ahead 😀.

  2. Calif*’s lockdowns were just a show to make life under Trump look as bad as possible. Once Biden won, no-one cared anymore & everyone started gathering again.

  3. Comparing states with different patterns of population concentration and different positions on a temporal COVID curve is likely apples/oranges even before bringing in the mask/shutdown factors.

    • Sam: Californians were quite fond of comparing themselves to what they called the idiots in other states when California’s plague was low (due to high levels of intelligence and virtue). Now that the plague rate in California is higher, it is time to say that California is not comparable to other states 🙂

  4. Cases, cases, cases. So much BS, since a single test was never considered a “case” before. Add to that the fact that these tests are sketchy at best… it’s all imaginary pandemic.

    None of it is about the virus, this is just massive corruption at all levels, enabled by gullible and scientifically illiterate population.

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