A friend of a friend quotes Benito Mussolini (not as much like Hitler as Donald Trump, but perhaps better acquainted with Hitler on a personal level):
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”
He wrote this on top of a tweet expressing concern about the power of an alliance between Silicon Valley’s Big Tech firms and the rulers of the U.S.:

As a demonstration of how irrationally paranoid this guy is for imagining that a combination of political rulers and corporate cronies would suppress his speech via deplatforming, Facebook has deplatformed him… Here’s what he got when trying to post an innocuous update:
(Confusingly, it says that he can’t “go live” despite the fact that he wasn’t trying to “go live”. Nor is he a business and therefore wasn’t attempting to advertise.)
What was the attempted update? “I’m really looking forward to President Biden’s wise leadership.”
Don’t be afraid! Embrace, embrace!
1997 Apple: “Think Different”.
2021 Apple: “Conform”.
> What was the attempted update? “I’m really looking forward to President Biden’s wise leadership.”
Lol. Like Churchill said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.“
Not that it matters, but it seems to be, at best, a problematic quote: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Benito_Mussolini#Fascism_should_more_properly_be_called_corporatism,_since_it_is_the_merger_of_state_and_corporate_power
(Used to be deployed mostly by lefties. Good times.)
Yes, better quotes would be “Corporations were the fascist institution par excellence” or “The fascist state is corporative or it is nothing” (from Mussolini by Denis Mack Smith).
We’re still in the early stages of doing something about these “dangerous individuals” and their “offline harm”. Why wait for the extremists to violate “community standards” if they can be identified sooner? Facebook (among others) has a great opportunity to prevent terrorism. You’re not in favor of terrorism, are you?
If you don’t like Facebook, you can’t have Facebook!
Toucan, help me here!
Wait… so your friend of a friend posted something questionable on Twitter and then Facebook blocked him?
Are you saying Facebook blocked him for 30 days on account of something he posted on twitter?
Sounds like the rumored social credit system people keep talking about….
That’s what I thought at first too but I think that he took a tweet and posted it on Facebook.
The real thought crime as far as Facebook is concerned is that he quoted Glenn Geenwald.
> The real thought crime as far as Facebook is concerned is that he quoted Glenn Greenwald.
All Your Base Are Belong to Us.
As long as Greenspun isn’t deactivated, there’s still hope. Greenspun’s facebook account is actually more reliable than his blog.
all of the de-platforming is virtue signaling by the social media tech companies so the democrats wont rule them out of existence by killing section 230 protections.
Facebook seems like a net negative ROI for humanity.
Henry: Certainly Facebook has made a mockery of everything we thought and wrote about the possibilities of universally accessible Internet back in the 1970s and 1980s. What if USENET and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat were actually the high point from a social/tech point of view?
IMHO USENET was full of distractions and garbage as well. IRC had all the basics, files could be transferred through it. Only component architecture where content relies on fat client – installed software was not yet developed, but it was easily implied. Yes, Facebook is the major inhibitor of productivity but it has fought hard to get that highly contested place.