After departing Vinalhaven towards KRKD
This photo is a favorite (steep bank in the helicopter to get the straight-down perspective):
Enough power for your Tesla, near Westport, Maine (but where does all of this power come from and what is it needed for in an apparently deserted part of the shoreline?):
Gourmet breakfast sandwich stop at Owl’s Head General Store:
From our Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine trip in a Robinson R44 helicopter. Tony Cammarata was in back with a door removed and a Nikon D850. Instrument student Vince Dorow and I were flying.
Also available as a streaming 8K video.
Don’t bring your Tesla (at least not many) because there’s no power there. Those last few photos are what remains of the decommissioned (2005) Maine Yankee nuclear power plant.
Here is an earlier view of the same place:
The plant is all gone, the lines are still there, along with the storage casks for the spent nuclear fuel. There are 64 dry storage casks (the article below says 60, but there are clearly 8 groups of 8) holding 1,434 fuel rods which will be there for (probably) decades to come. They have no place else to put them.
“After years of controversy and delays, President Barack Obama pulled the plug on the Yucca Mountain repository in 2010 — effectively putting Maine Yankee and other decommissioned plants in the position of holding onto their nuclear waste for decades or longer.”
“Maine Yankee’s owners — and ultimately electric-utility ratepayers — spent $75 million to build the spent fuel dry storage facility in Wiscasset and approximately $8 million per year on armed security guards and maintenance workers who do everything from snow removal to making sure the dry cask containers are properly maintained and vented.”
Separately, you *just knew* there had to be a vintage record store near Vinalhaven. And lo!