Black Lives Matter opposes settler colonialism, but only in Israel?

From America’s moral compass:

If there are Americans who are upset because some indigenous people do not own all of the real estate within and do not have political control of a region, shouldn’t they devote 99% of their energy to correcting injustice right here in North America? Give their houses to the nearest Native Americans. Stop voting and let the legitimate residents of the U.S. (i.e., Native Americans) be the only voters.

We could perhaps excuse some Black Americans from the requirement of giving back their houses to the rightful (Native) owners on the grounds that the ancestors of these Black Americans were brought here involuntarily. But the co-founder of the BLM movement “is the daughter of Nigerian immigrants.” (Wikipedia) The percentage of Americans who identify as “Black” who are recent immigrants or descendants of recent immigrants (see Kamala Harris, for example) increases every day. From the perspective of a Native American, wouldn’t these “Black lives” parked in North America be examples of “settler colonialism”?


3 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter opposes settler colonialism, but only in Israel?

  1. No, BLM doesn’t stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

    Simply put, this is just another way of taking YOUR cause (in this case BLM) and mixing it with some other cause (in this case Palestinians) to keep YOUR cause on **top**.

    BLM is taking advantage of this situation. Period.

  2. Antonym Palestine comes from Roman Emperor renaming province of Judea and several provinces around it that were chipped of Hasmonean Judea after long hundred years wars with Jews in Judea/Israel/Transjordan. End of the wars saw many of the Jews expelled from their country and the remnant become sub-servant in their own land but developing farther Jewish though and religion as well as long and bloody Jewish revolts starting all over Roman Empire. Origination of antonym Palestine is from word Philistines which Jewish Bible attached to people who believed to be sea people invading Egypt and Canaan from what are now Greek Islands and Aegean and who sometimes dominated disunited Hebrew tribes and later were King David’s saviors. So he let then be. Until they were partially assimilated into Jewish people and their remnant was annihilated by Babylonians so the were already a legend in Roman times. Turkish Empire and British Empire kept antonym Palestine because they liked Imperial staff. Under British rule all Jewish things were called “Palestinian”: Jewish newspapers, sports teams, anything official. Independent Israel has dropped the word because it has no Jewish meaning.
    So Jews are remaining indigenous population of land of Israel/Judea/Palestine.
    And word Palestine comes from Jewish Bible. So BLM statement can be interpreted in different ways,

  3. They’re communists. They’re for whoever is working towards the destruction of Western Civilization. If you handed all the land (and mineral rights, etc) over to Native Americans, the U.S. would basically be a moist Saudi Arabia. That’s why they are not all fired up about it, they have other ways of destroying America here.

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