Signing up to the National Emerald Club since the U.S. is mostly out of rental cars and Hertz, Avis, and Enterprise are no longer sufficient….
How long are these Ts & Cs?
Is this a record? Here’s some of the stuff that I’m supposed to read now and remember perhaps a few years from now when it is time to visit Nicaragua:
On the other hand, maybe it will be sooner. The ruling party there seems to realize, as we do, that preventing citizens from hearing opposition voices is the best path to stable government: “Fifth presidential candidate detained in Nicaragua; 15 opposition leaders now detained in total” (CNN, June 21). Certainly, Nicaragua can teach us a lot about how to control COVID-19. As of June 22, the country had suffered 188 COVID-19-tagged deaths in a population of 6.5 million. Compare to New Jersey: nearly 26,377 deaths in a population of 9.3 million (Census 2020, though it is unclear if Census documents account for the undocumented.)
Readers: Who has ever seen a longer terms and conditions document from a company offering goods or services to consumers?
What do aircraft rental agreements look like? How much legal paperwork is involved to rent a plane or a helicopter?
I wonder what the Virgin Galactic Terms & Conditions agreement looks like? (Full version, not the Stephen Colbert version.)
If there is anything written at all usually it’s very short. Here are some random examples I found online. This must be because pilots as a group are required to take personal responsibility. This also explains why there are almost no liberal pilots.
Enterprise and National are the same company.
The great USA loves paperwork. We are required to sign document(s), or an adult must sign for the child, anytime we are provided with a service or product — be it we pay for the service and/or product or are getting it voluntarily. When you are not signing a document for a service or product, you are flashed with a posting or a label to read. Obviously, no one pays close attention to what they are signing nor read the postings and labels. If we do, we would be scared off and stay away from the service or product due to the legal language in use.
Now, when the non FDA approved Covidfear jab was administered to millions of Americans and illegals, NO one is asked to sign a document and no one is presented with a posting or a label to read. How is this possible? How did millions of Americans and illegals in the great USA accept this?
> Now, when the non FDA approved Covidfear jab was administered to millions of Americans and illegals, NO one is asked to sign a document and no one is presented with a posting or a label to read.
Not true where I was. I was shown the “emergency use” form and had to sign it.
@Alex, that was not the case for me and my family members for the Pfizer jab. We were asked to show an ID and were asked basic health questions, that’s all. We were not given anything to sign or read, weren’t asked for our issuance card and no viral check. We all got it at a function hall in a hotel. This was in April and May timeframe.
That’s still not as long as a receipt from CVS.