Here are some young people at the University of Colorado, January 28, 2022:
It didn’t look as though anyone over the age of 25 was in the room (a good thing, considering that most were wearing the cloth masks that #Science now says are worthless). The university has forced vaccinations and boosters. “Cases” are plummeting in Colorado (NYT). If the mask order can’t be dropped right now, when can it be dropped? What is the university waiting for? If SARS-CoV-2 isn’t going away, does that mean that the (mostly cloth) masks can never go away?
Some of the nearby signs:

A monument to The Boulder Six, who died from car bombs detonated in 1974:
(The father of students in the Boulder public schools related asking his sons why the cafeteria was self-segregated into Hispanic and non-Hispanic sections. The boys replied that the Hispanic students were “always getting into trouble” and that they therefore didn’t want to associate with them.)
The muzzles, like all the rest of the COVID tyranny, will go away when people refuse to play along any more. If that never happens, they’ll never go away.
The lion kingdom always figured no-one over 25 taught classes in college because it was too expensive to have a professor teach anything. We went from high school teachers who all had master’s degrees to paying $15,000/year for college teachers who were all grad students.
Funny how Sparkfun is selling so much to the local government university. They don’t have any adafruit, digikey, or mouser signs. Sparkfun went from enabling poor guys to build electronics to charging exorbitant prices to the government.
News Flash today: children under 5 will soon be cleared for vaccination by the FDA and MA is going to be rolling that out. I presume they will start enforcing it in pre-K schools and daycare centers. And:
“4. Vaccinating Young Kids Gets Parents Back To Work
The Biden administration believes vaccinating children is critical to keeping schools and daycare centers open, therefore freeing up their parents to return to the workforce.
5. Vaccine Efforts Could Drop Mask Mandates
Vaccine efforts for children could lead to more schools becoming eligible to drop indoor mask mandates. Schools with 80% of students and staff being vaccinated can petition to drop the mandate.”
So if these Universities can get to 80% vaccination rates like kindergarteners in Massachusetts, maybe they’ll be able to petition to drop the mask rules.
It looks a lot to me like the end game is to make sure that all living humans down to 0 years old get vaccinated and then perhaps the respective authorities will consider allowing them to discard their useless cloth masks. Perhaps they will just shift to requiring N95s, because after all, college kids get into a lot more trouble than 1-year-olds. They can drive! They have teeth! They can get a job! They can eat meat!
That appears to be the end goal! At this point the Democrats want to vaccinate everyone out of spite. Only fringe conspiracy theorists would question the integrity of Pfizer:
Who would not want to jab his/her/zir/their 3-months old after these trial results?
“Perhaps they will just shift to requiring N95s,”
As early as today, CVS and Publix are giving away “free” N95 masks. A couple of weeks ago, the government opened up a web site where anyone could place an order for covid self-test kits, four per household, also “free.”
Another deplorable, soon to be cancelled, on masking and distancing being harmful:
Dr. Bendavid sez: “Measures like masking and social distancing may be doing long-term damage to our immune systems”
Cases overall are dropping in Colorado and so mask mandates have been ended in Denver and many surrounding counties, with this odd exception:
” Mask mandates ending in Denver, Adams and Arapahoe counties as COVID cases fall
But unlike Tri-County Health, Denver opts to keep mask requirements in place for K-12 schools and day care”
However Boulder County is keeping its mask mandates for now since cases are dropping, but they are still at 747 per 100k, which they say is above the 50 per 100k mark they call “high transmission”.
Here in Boulder masks are ubiquitous in grocery stores, people comply with the rules. I hadn’t checked on whether anyone would try to enforce the rules, since I comply to avoid provoking fearful reactions from the covid paranoid. I figure their fear is real, even if its out of proportion to the level of risk for the vaccinated, so I humor them. Its been a hotbed of covid fear and restrictions from the start, leading to popular restaurants dying off or struggling still.
re: the signs: CU is a hotbed of woke academics and climate fear, with one of the centers of climate “research” here in Boulder at NCAR.
In the mid-80s, I dated an attractive UC-Boulder student that was on leave from school and back home in an a very well-off Middlesex County, MA town treating her cocaine addiction. Her parents (both professors at a nearby elite university) thought I’d be a good influence on her. The relationship was very short-lived as she struggled with her addiction. Last I saw her she was waiting tables in a chain restaurant in the Burlington Mall.
I wonder if the mask mandates at these centers of higher learning have led to an uptick in “mask porn?” You can use your imagination, but it’s not difficult to fathom that “oh, take off that mask, baby” is becoming a hot topic in the dorms. Nothing is more sexy than discarding a useless restriction that you loathe and was imposed by idiots for their own ideological reasons.
After the mild stuff, then these adventurers in higher education discover the real perverts who double mask, triple mask, and wear masks all over their bodies, shove masks into bodily orifices, and then seductively peel them off/out, and make them into some kind of S&M play. I’m kind of surprised we haven’t heard about this as a new kink at sex clubs in various cities that people pay to enjoy now.
If you would believe this study “Surgical face masks make people look more attractive, new study finds” [1] maybe a reason why we will continue wearing masks .. forever.
Soon, a burka will be the next sexy and attractive attire. With a burka, you don’t have to say “oh, take off that dress, baby”, you can now say, “oh, can I join you in that dress, baby?”.
@Alex —
people in kink clubs understand their desires, and act them in a socially-benign ways.
The maskholes are trying to force all of us to participate in their kink fantasies.
The JHU apostates spake thusly:
““We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality”
Well, at least they aren’t like WPI back in Maskachusetts. In addition to 100% forced masking in classes and dining halls, they are running PCR tests on every single kid on campus – twice a week! (link: If you fail it, you get to go into isolation for 5 days, which is 1/7th of a term-length class (they run on a 2-term-per-semester schedule). They’ve been doing this since August. Crazy that we are testing asymptomatic, fully vaccinated and boosted teenagers during a PCR testing shortage.
But hey – according to WPI, everything is “back to normal” – nothing to see here! (