Resisting on International Women’s Day

Nostalgia for our old neighborhood, a lawn sign in front of a successful divorce plaintiff’s $1.8 million (Zillow estimate) house:

One good thing about Massachusetts family law is that it relieves quite a few people who identify as “women” from the need ever to work at a W-2 job again and thus these folks can resist on a full-time basis.

Readers: What are you doing to celebrate International Women’s Day? If you’re looking for suggestions, how about a Melinda Gates video watch marathon?

Speaking of Melinda Gates, a former Microsoft employee, “52% of women believe their gender is limiting their careers in the tech industry” (Atlas VPN):

Today we can celebrate many great women who have helped shape the world of technology as we know it. From Katherine Johnson, a mathematician whose pioneering work at NASA was instrumental in the success of sending astronauts into orbit, to Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of the nonprofit Girls Who Code, which aims to increase the number of women in computer science — these and many other talented women continue to pave the way for others in tech.

Nevertheless, women are still largely underrepresented in the tech industry and face many obstacles when pursuing a career in the field. According to data presented by Atlas VPN, 52% of women believe their gender is limiting their career in tech, and one-fifth of women are thinking about leaving their current position.

Despite increasing discussions about gender diversity in the technology industry, men still hold the vast majority of positions in tech, even in top companies.

If “top companies” are measured by stock market valuation, see Six-year anniversary of the SSGA Gender Diversity Index ETF.

9 thoughts on “Resisting on International Women’s Day

  1. Dreamed about making love to a hottie trophy wife, but that happens most nights. Then it was back to blog commenting instead of breadwinning.

  2. I figure that a quarter of a million dollars+ in a previous life and some of my best years spent working to put a first-person-in-her-family-to-attend-college through graduate school, writing 2/3rds and doing the research for most of her Doctoral degree, abandoning my own degree at an elite (small “e” not Ivy League) school and having it all collapse on me is enough contribution to the Resistance and the International for One Man. I kept my promise, she got her degree, and is now also a very trendy Sex and Gender Therapist. I still paid (along with my family and future earning power) the Price. At the time, just like John Barth once suggested, I didn’t Count the Cost. Fingers Crossed. I try not to now, and I listen to this song when I feel upset.

    In the meantime, someone else is going to have to take up my slack. Hey, the Good News is that the Movement has expanded into the Normal, so there is a much bigger population of Potential Victimhood Correctors and Social Justice Avengers.

    Don’t forget that unless you’re really careful, it’s a Zero Sum Game, my man. Someone must win and someone else must LOSE for it to work.

  3. I’d prefer the Return of the Jedi Leia, especially if she’s gonna be resisting.

  4. An earlier effort by women to shape the world took place in the 9th century. Sadly for the Resistance, it didn’t last:

    “Some fifty years after the death [in 809] of Haroon, women in Baghdad aspired to become lawyers, secretaries and doctors. But the movement lasted only a short time. A few years later, the empire collapsed and the ensuing fighting, rioting and civil wars made it dangerous for women to move about the streets unescorted.”

    – from Haroon al Rasheed and the Great Abbasids by John Glubb.

    • Does the book imply causality between “women in Baghdad aspired to become lawyers, secretaries and doctors” and “A few years later, the empire collapsed and the ensuing fighting, rioting and civil wars” Was there “I am with Her” slogan?. Is the author same Glubb Pasha that lead Jordanian Arab Legion in ethnic cleansing of Jewish population from Judea, Samaria and old Jerusalem in 1948? And why Jordanian king later expelled? For war crimes?

    • Moderator: my reply comment disappeared. Could you check spam filter, no spam was there.

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    • > Does the book imply causality between “women in Baghdad aspired to
      > become lawyers, secretaries and doctors” and “A few years later, the
      > empire collapsed and the ensuing fighting, rioting and civil wars”

      perplexed, if it’s righteous outrage you’re looking for, you won’t be disappointed by Sir John’s work. Indeed, the answer to you question appears to be yes. Earlier in the book: “Reversal of the sexes is a common sign of decadence, when men imitate women, and women wish to play the part of men.”

      But wait, there’s more. “In Baghdad, minorities lived in separate quarters of the city, the Greeks, the Indians, the Chinese, the Armenians, or whatever they might be.” Did Sir J condemn this awful segregation? Not quite: “The modern American idea that such voluntary segregation is wrong, and that all communities must live intermixed, seems to be contrary to human nature.”

    • LP, seems that on practice John Glubb strongly disagreed that Jews could live in their communities in Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem and in towns on Judea and Samaria. Strangely that he did not mention very large back than opulent Baghdad Jewish community whose descendants are now large portion of Israeli Jewish population. So why he had falling out with Jordanian king? I guess it were not his ethnic cleansing of Jews. Did he sell out to Syrian enemies of Jordanian royals?

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