CDC gives us a new canonical example of chutzpah?

The standard example of chutzpah has been “that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.”

I wonder if we can replace this with one from a U.S. government agency. “CDC Reports Warn of Teen ‘Mental Health Crisis’ During Pandemic” (MedPage Today, 3/31/2022):

In a nationwide survey, high school students reported experiencing poor mental health and life disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC researchers said.

Among a nationally representative sample of high school students in the U.S., 37% said that they experienced poor mental health, and 44% reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, reported Sherry Everett Jones, PhD, of the CDC, and colleagues.

Furthermore, about 20% of respondents said they seriously considered attempting suicide, and 9% had attempted suicide during the 12 months before the survey, they noted in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).

“Our data make it clear that young people experienced significant disruptions during the pandemic, and are experiencing a mental health crisis,” said co-author Kathleen Ethier, PhD, of the CDC, during a conference call with the media. “It is clear right now that young people need all the support we can give them.”

In other words, the agency that enabled state and local school systems to shut down for more than a year (while still ladling out taxpayer-funded salaries at 100%!) under the guise of following Science now says that people should look to them for advice on how to restore the mental health of kids whose schools were thus closed.


7 thoughts on “CDC gives us a new canonical example of chutzpah?

  1. It seems that it always takes two years for obvious truths to arrive at the bureaucracies. Last year, Putin’s self isolation policies and 20 meter long tables should have been a shining example of following the Science. This year, Science followers mock him and say he has lost it.

  2. Isn’t this a variation of R. Reagan’s “I’m from the government and here to help.”?

  3. If an organization wanted to hire someone with a lot of chutzpah, is there special interview questions they can ask ? Or they just have to guess based on the candidates resume and past experience? I haven’t heard of universities offering a B.A. Chutzpah studies.

  4. “Man Got 87 Doses Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines Allegedly In Germany” [1]

    I’m not sure if this guy should be viewed as a criminal or a hero. A criminal for breaking the law or a hero for being a guinea pig test for all of us to prove that the jab is safe! Or is it possible that COVIDjab that we have been getting is simply a placebo?!! 🙂


  5. Another example of chutzpah is the trademark that is displayed on the CDC website:

    “CDC 24/7: Saving Lives, Protecting People [TM]”

    Either they actually trademarked a generic slogan or they are using self irony like programmers in Usenet.

  6. It’s not chutzpah. It’s desperation. When the majority of Americans will figure out they’ve been had, the backlash will be ferocious.

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