Will masks for the general public work as well against monkeypox as they did against SARS-CoV-2?

“New Yorkers told to mask up again after local patient tests POSITIVE for same genus virus as monkeypox” (Daily Mail):

An NYC patient has tested positive for the same genus virus as monkeypox sparking calls from the health department for residents to wear masks indoors – just as New Yorkers were finally returning to mask-free normalcy after COVID-19.

The health department is encouraging New Yorkers to wear face masks to protect against the new virus outbreak, as well as COVID-19 and the flu. Monkeypox primarily spreads through physical contact but can also be transmitted through respiratory droplets in the air.

Why isn’t the best advice “Leave New York City, which is one of the world’s most crowded places”? The Science is strong with the NYC health department, but ordinarily a scientific conclusion is supported by evidence. What is the evidence that a monkeypox outbreak can be stopped by ordinary residents of a city wearing masks?

In a world obsessed with avoiding viral infection, I can’t figure out why cities like New York make sense (or why boosting population density in already-crowded cities via low-skill immigration makes sense). I have a lot more confidence that someone living in the suburbs can avoid monkeypox compared to someone living in a Manhattan studio apartment and going out to the stuff that used to make Manhattan attractive.

Combining these topics, a photo from June 2021:

19 thoughts on “Will masks for the general public work as well against monkeypox as they did against SARS-CoV-2?

  1. Are people actually failing for the monkeypox thing? The biggest divide in the country might soon be between those that believe in germ theory(yes it is still a theory) fearmongering and those that stopped listening to the news and got on with their lives.

  2. “Why isn’t the best advice “Leave New York City, which is one of the world’s most crowded places”?

    “In a world obsessed with avoiding viral infection, I can’t figure out why cities like New York make sense (or why boosting population density in already-crowded cities via low-skill immigration makes sense).

    As long as there is sufficient immigration then even with continuing waves of super flus and (pick your favorite animal)-pox, the population and economy of NYC can keep thriving and adding to the GDP.

  3. The truth is that monkeypox is spreading as an STD primarily among gay men (a.k.a. “‘men who have sex with men”):

    My guess is that telling people “avoid gay sex without testing for STDs” as a preventative measure wouldn’t go over well, so instead they fall back on masking. Whether masking can slow the spread of an STD better than it can slow the spread of an aerosol virus remains to be seen. It certainly can’t do worse.

  4. Will #Science close the bath houses? The Daily Mail is already spreading hate:


    Six of Britain’s nine confirmed cases are men who have sex with men, which officials say is ‘highly suggestive of spread in sexual networks’.

    I cannot remember a disease that started spreading in the 2SLBGTQQ+ (IA omitted intentionally) community. Completely novel. Happy pride month in June!

  5. I’m one of the dastardly COVID-19 shot #resisters, but it turns out that according to #Science my Smallpox vaccination is 85% effective against this virus (so it is better than the COVID-19 shot):


    Past data from Africa suggests that the smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.

    [I’m sorry if this post shatters the illusion of virtuous people that COVID-19 shot #resisters are categorically anti-vaccination.]

  6. Everything is an outbreak those days and humans will die off in a blink of an eye if we don’t act. And of course, those days, the fix for any outbreak is a mask.

    Look, the first detected Monkeypox was on May 7, 2022 “Epidemiological update: Monkeypox outbreak” [1] and as of today, there are 92 confirmed cases world-wide “Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries” [2]. This is 92 out of ~7.9 billion people of which 1-5 are in the US.

    Of course, our government wants us to be concerned about Monkeypox “POLITICS Biden says monkeypox cases something to ‘be concerned about'”[3]. Shouldn’t our government be warning us and telling us to be concerned about the failing education system and how much dumber we are making our sociality “The grading curve at Harvard University” [4]?

    I really cannot tell those days what kind of reality we are living in.

    [1] https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/epidemiological-update-monkeypox-outbreak
    [2] https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2022-DON385
    [3] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-monkeypox-cases-something-to-be-concerned-about/
    [4] https://philip.greenspun.com/blog/2022/05/21/the-grading-curve-at-harvard-university/

  7. I think we should raise a People’s Army and seize control of the State!

    Biden was quoted today on his Asian tour talking about it, telling people that everyone should “be concerned” and that people were “working hard” on it, and that “whatever” vaccines they could come up with should help.

    • “be concerned” but continue living in a crowded city and also go to theaters, clubs, and bathhouses that are packed to capacity?

  8. Monkeypox is becoming fun by the hour: “Biden says ‘everybody’ should be concerned about spread of monkeypox” [1].

    Unlike COVID, we know the origin of it, Africa and since Africa is not our “strategic partner”, we can blame it on Africa. We also know Monkeypox is transmitted via sexual contact and since we are brain washing our kids at early age to be secularly active, expect to see Monkeypox spreading among the younger generations and thus the youngsters will die off!

    So, COVID will kill the old, Monkeypox will kill the young. We need a new virus to kill those in-between to complete the cycle.

    [1] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/22/biden-monkeypox-infections-spread

    • Dr. Nick: We beat monkeypox with N95 masks in 2003 so we can beat it again with the masks!

    • The NHS webpage about monkeypox has already been edited to eliminate the bits about monkeypox being hard to catch and a mild disease that doesn’t need treatment. To worst thing ever.

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