How will Earth’s climate be affected by the Inflation Reduction Act?

“Biden signs sweeping climate, health care, tax bill into law” (state-sponsored NPR):

President Biden signed Democrats’ hallmark spending bill into law on Tuesday…

The sweeping bill allocates more than $300 billion to be invested in energy and climate reform. It’s the largest federal clean energy investment in U.S. history, although it falls short of what progressive Democrats and climate activists had originally called for.

“This bill is the biggest step forward on climate ever — ever — and is going to allow us to boldly take additional steps toward meeting my climate goals,” Biden said.

It includes $60 billion for boosting renewable energy infrastructure in manufacturing, like solar panels and wind turbines, and includes tax credits for electric vehicles and measures to make homes more energy efficient.

Democrats say the bill will lower greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, based on 2005 levels, by the end of the decade, which falls short of Biden’s original goal.

It looks like we’ve already cut emissions a bit via the miracle of sending all of our manufacturing to Mexico and China (

By 2030, thanks to just $300 billion in spending (less than a month of coronapanic spending? less than the total fraud that Americans perpetrated against the U.S. Treasury in obtaining COVID-tagged funds?), the U.S. economy will be reconfigured to push only about 4 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere rather than today’s 6 gigatons.

Here’s a question… how will this change the Earth’s climate? Can beachfront property owners now rest easy (and maybe send thank-you cards to working class taxpayers in the Midwest who funded the protection of their $20 million houses)?

Climate modelers love to model. Did anyone in the climate-industrial complex plug Joe Biden’s clean new USA into a model and figure out whether Houston becomes a pleasant place to spend summers?

8 thoughts on “How will Earth’s climate be affected by the Inflation Reduction Act?

  1. These folks will be well prepared for what Houston will look like in a bit… [but first, we may need need an Ark to deal with the floods?] So far, here in MA, I am not making much of a dent, but it’s more than zero with 16,304 lb (8 tons?) CO2 Emission Saved [says Equivalent Trees Planted: 123] with just a small 5KW solar array. Gigatons is going to take some work… Don’t think money alone will do it (no matter how much spent/wasted/etc.).

  2. Statistician Bjorn Lomborg studied the question: “if every nation meets its Paris INDC promises by 2030, what would the impact be on global temperatures in 2100?”

    The answer: temperatures would be reduced by just 0.05°C. US climate policies, in the most optimistic circumstances, fully achieved and adhered to throughout the century, will reduce global temperatures by 0.031°C.

  3. How will Earth’s climate be affected by the Inflation Reduction Act? It won’t be affected in any measurable way.

  4. Another Great Leap Forward by the Biden five-year planners. We (i.e., those who receive all the government funds) will live in a Utopia within a decade.

  5. IEA currently projects that China alone will double US emissions in the next 20 years, thanks to their reliance on coal.

    In other words, US emissions could drop to zero with no impact on the climate; they would be entirely replaced by developing countries.

  6. My pet theory is that AGW does in fact exist but is caused not by CO2 but by the hot air emanating from western academia and the science-believing activists and politicians.

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