Trump vs. Biden in the New York Times

According to my browser, the word “Trump” occurs 6 times on the front page of today’s New York Times. “Biden” occurs 3 times.

Biden is featured for expanding government (and, therefore, borrowing and the deficit) as well as for being a quarter century older than the mandatory retirement age for an FAA air traffic controller (gone before age 56, even at the sleepiest airports where there might be one operation every 10 minutes).

Some of the headlines mentioning Trump:

Excerpts from the Trump stories:

Liberal excitement is understandable. Mr. Trump faces potential legal jeopardy from the Jan. 6 investigation in Congress and the Mar-a-Lago search. They anticipate fulfilling a dream going back to the earliest days of the Trump administration: to see him frog-marched to jail before the country and the world.

But the nightmare wouldn’t stop there. What if Mr. Trump declares another run for the presidency just as he’s indicted and treats the trial as a circus illustrating the power of the Washington swamp and the need to put Republicans back in charge to drain it?

There is an obvious risk: If Mr. Trump runs again, he might win.

It’s impossible to understand the G.O.P. reaction to the raid, though, without accounting for the context of the Russia investigation of Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign that consumed the first two years of his presidency. … investigations of prominent figures of one party carried out by officials of the other party aren’t going to be met by a relaxed attitude and sympathetic understanding.

The last time there was a significant investigation of a Democratic president, Bill Clinton, Democrats waged all-out war on the prosecutor. The independent counsel, Ken Starr, had a Republican background, but he wasn’t working for a G.O.P. administration. He was appointed by a three-judge panel after Mr. Clinton’s own attorney general, Janet Reno, triggered the investigation.

The Russia investigation was a national fiasco that brought discredit on the F.B.I. and everyone who participated in it. The probe prominently featured a transparently ridiculous dossier generated by the Clinton campaign, eventually spinning into a special-counsel investigation that became, to some significant extent, about itself and whether Mr. Trump was guilty of obstruction. People who should have known better got caught up in the feeding frenzy and speculated that the walls were closing in on Mr. Trump or that he might have been a Russian asset going back decades.

That experience guarantees that no Republican is going to take assurances about the Mar-a-Lago search, or any other Trump investigation, at face value.

Is it fair to say that Trump (our distant neighbor here in Palm Beach County, though there is a world of difference between the Palm Beach and Jupiter lifestyles!) has more mindshare, nearly two years after his last election, than any other former president with the same distance from being in office?

6 thoughts on “Trump vs. Biden in the New York Times

  1. Paging Dr. Freud: NYT consciousness can not fool NYTs id who the real president is. Especially when NYT discarded reason and is officially woke.

  2. Is it fair to say that Trump (our distant neighbor here in Palm Beach County, though there is a world of difference between the Palm Beach and Jupiter lifestyles!) has more mindshare, nearly two years after his last election, than any other former president with the same distance from being in office? Yes!

  3. Takes serious Green Spin for Trump to still have any mindshare at all. It’ll be the status quo in 2024.

  4. I’ve been watching the feeds in Edge courtesy of MSN whenever you open a tab for the past two weeks, and they have been completely obsessed with Trump. He is dominating MSN completely!

    I haven’t done a #Scientific analysis, but the sheer volume of stories, gossip, conjecture, robot-written content (which some of it is now, you can tell) and hideous ranting about how he’s gonna die, die, die has been incessant.

    I don’t know what they’re trying to achieve except to prove that everyone is out to get him while mentioning his name dozens of times a day.

    So yeah, I’d say that he definitely has much more mindshare, at least on MSN, who are so eager to watch him burn at the stake that they’re almost as bad as NOAA forecasting the North Atlantic Hurricane Season this year.

  5. Totally off-topic but perfect for MSN and saving the planet: Ford is cutting 3,000 jobs in North America and India so that it can compete with Tesla!

    Things are getting better with technology all the time!

    (Reuters) -Ford Motor Co said it will cut a total of 3,000 salaried and contract jobs, mostly in North America and India, as it restructures to catch up with Tesla Inc in the race to develop software-driven electric vehicles.

    I think a great headline would be:

    “Biden WINS BIG With Inflation Reduction Act Of 2026! Ford Kills 3,000 Jobs In 2022!”

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