College grades based on mask compliance

From a UCLA professor:

Let’s dig in….

  • “300 student mandatory in-person lecture”; why is the mass lecture (“live video”) still a cornerstone for college teaching? It didn’t work well 50 years ago and now the students are scrolling social media on their phones.
  • “I’m the sole care provider for my child.” -> “I expected to get paid a lot more in the California family courts than in the university halls”? (a success story from someone who didn’t need a Ph.D. or any pronouns to make bank)
  • “I’m giving extra credit to those who mask up”; how can this work in a 300-student class? If a student is masked, how does the professor (she/her) identify him/her/zir/them with sufficient particularity to add a note to the grade book?

A comment on the above:

Here’s an interesting one from the other coast… Amherst College’s “Updated policy: Masking in Classrooms”:

Prior to October 17, faculty members will conduct an anonymous survey of their classes, either by collecting handwritten (no names!) responses to the question, “Should masks be required in this class?” or by distributing a survey based on this template. … If anyone in the class, including the instructor, wants to continue with masking, then masks will be required.

We are informed that the hallmark of a stupid person and/or MAGA Trump supporter is doing his/her/zir/their own research. Intelligent Americans follow the Science and defer to expert advice. Amherst College should have a senior Covidcrat interpreting the CDC runes and issuing edicts. Instead, the college is going to let the mob decide! How is that different than Science-denying legislators in Florida voting to forbid public school districts from ordering children to wear masks?

Here’s a good image for university Covidcrats to use:

Screen capture in case the Ministry of Truth deletes this at some point:

11 thoughts on “College grades based on mask compliance

  1. > How can this work in a 300-student class?

    Perhaps they have automated face recognition linked to a centralized social credit database.

    • Why bother? American edukashion has successfully raised the generations of sniveling snitches.

      The whole academia is hopeless. Maybe nuking it from the orbit can fix it, but otherwise it remains the bastion of Stupid and Stupider.

    • averros: Excellent point. I had forgotten for a moment that these day students will simply inform on each other!

  2. Can’t believe how many Calif*ahans are masking up, 3 years on. Obey the high priest & maybe your home equity will get a $31 trillion boost.

  3. I, for one, am grateful that you still possess the relative strength and tranquility of mind to analyze this kind of ridiculousness, b/c when I read it now, my mental Ejection Seat fires. And why is she “Dr. Dr.” ?? Isn’t one “Dr.” enough unless you’re the Thompson Twins?

  4. Even aging shock-jock and notorious germophobe Howard Stern summoned the courage to finally leave his $20 mansion / compound after more than two years to have an unmasked dinner with Jimmy Kimmel, Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Jon Hamm, and Justin Theroux, et. al. He claims he was in a panic the entire time and exhausted afterward, but he did it! Stern is 68 years old, and while he appears to be slim and relatively good health, his father did succumb to COVID-19, so I can understand at least a little of his anxiety.

    They dined at Laser Wolf in Brooklyn, NY:

    I admit, I don’t know this “Dr. Dr.’s” entire medical history and background, but if Howard Stern can summon the courage (“‘F**k it, I’m being a p***y, I know,’ he said back”) to venture out for dinner with his unmasked celebrity friends, this professor is having a hard time convincing me she should penalize her non-masked students.

    Aside: I was in a hospital setting today and the rules have been considerably – but not entirely – relaxed. No longer are people required to funnel through a single entrance for screening. In the past, this was a hardship for people who were old, frail, or mobility-impaired because they often had to trek the equivalent walking distance of the entire hospital, twice. Now they can enter at whichever entrance is most convenient for them.

    They’re no longer asked to double-mask. There were no questions about COVID symptoms, and hand-sanitizing and temperature screening weren’t going on. Instead, you are asked to wear a surgical mask when you enter.

    AND: They are doing FLU SHOTS again!

  5. Esteemed “Dr. Dr.”s (reality copies satire) language matches language of lumpen – proles.
    And her handle @native4data is named contrary to her opinion on masking prevention qualities in non-control environment which goes against relevant data studies.

  6. Desi Small-Rodriguez
    Assistant Professor of Sociology and American Indian Studies, University of California
    Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear (formerly Small-Rodriguez) has dual PhDs in sociology at the University of Arizona and demography at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Her research interests are social demography, race and ethnicity, and social stratification. Her ongoing research explores tribal data sovereignty, specifically the enumeration of Indigenous peoples in official statistics and tribal data systems. She further examines the intersection of race, identity, and tribal citizenship. She received both her both M.A in Sociology and B.A. (with honors) in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity from Stanford University.

    A citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Nation, Desi was raised on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Lame Deer, Montana. She ran for her Tribal Council in 2012, and maintains a strong connection to her people and her homeland. Desi is committed to evidence based tribal development and has served as a tribal researcher for her tribe and for Māori tribes in Aotearoa New Zealand. She also has a policy research background spanning tribal, national, and international governments. She is an appointed adviser to the Director of the United States Census Bureau as a member of the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations. In 2009, Desi was recognized by the State of Montana with the “Honor Yourself” Role Model Award, and she serves on the Board of Directors for several non-profit organizations throughout Indian Country.

  7. This professor must be fired and students must protest her. She is a racist and disseminating against those who will not mask up and she is giving extra credit to those who mask up. She is eliminating all those who do not think like her and do not believe in her cause.

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