Gender Care Day at the Adolescent Medicine Clinic

I hope that everyone has been having a good LGBT History Month so far.

Here’s a tale from a medical student learning Science. There may be a correlation between concern regarding COVID-19 and concern regarding gender ID:

There seems to be a correlation among siblings:

We still love Prozac and similar (SSRIs):

Here’s a screen capture in case this is memory-holed:

10 thoughts on “Gender Care Day at the Adolescent Medicine Clinic

  1. The West finds itself in agreement with luminaries like Ayatollah Khomeini (

    “In the 1980’s the founder of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa allowing gender reassignment surgery – apparently after being moved by a meeting with a woman who said she was trapped in a man’s body.”

    As that article mentions, in nearly 100% of the cases the “transitioning” is complete nonsense. In the West it is just a fashion (or state-sponsored disorientation: do not believe your own senses).

    If the teenagers have issues, letting them hike in the wilderness for 3 months would cure many more issues than Prozac or chemical castration. Of course modern society produces neurotics.

  2. >BOTH of their older siblings are also transgender.
    > *Fascinating*, I thought.🤔
    > I think this finding speaks for itself.

    It only shows that the nature has a way of eliminating defective genes from the population’s gene pool. That this natural process exploits whatever newfangled tech and science is available is quite fascinating, alright.

    Another obvious example is COVID vaccination. Clearly putting selective pressure against gullibility and conformism.

    • It is more likely that it is cultural influence then genetic (three transgender siblings, all having surgical mutilation). We would need data from twins separated after birth (or at least from siblings separated after birth), to exclude cultural influence.

  3. We know you can’t be a COVID mask Karen without being pro-LGBTQIA+ and transgendah whatevah because of climate change, immigration, guns, abortion, the Confederacy, and your personal opinion of Big Kahuna Burger!

    Skepticism of anything is denial of ALL! Nonacceptance of any sacrament constitutes grounds for excommunication from the Secular Religion. Don’t believe me? Just listen to NPR!

    All people need religion because humans are really weak, tiny little things whose minds barely work.

    In America, we just do everything bigger and better!

    I have a more intelligent way of putting this, but not at this moment. I think I just saw someone die by the side of a road, no joke.

    • Thanks for this. I appreciated the opportunity to learn about Latinx in Gaming! And nothing is more central to post-2020 American life than taxpayer-funded full-time Xbox, so it is good to learn about the critical role of diversity in making decades of couch-dwelling attractive. Interesting that she has no complaints regarding the planned-by-Castro Cuban economy in which she grew up. That is comforting to hear as the US trends toward more central planning.

  4. And yet, the parents of those 13 y/o kids stand by and watch their kids live being destroyed at such an early age as if those kids know what the heck they are doing. Those parents need to be prosecuted for neglect and causing harms to their own kids.

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