Meet in Las Vegas this week?

I am headed to Las Vegas today. Would anyone like to meet there or in Pahrump/Death Valley over the next 7 days? No plans currently other than meeting Hunter Biden at Sheri’s Ranch.

The couple next to me on this luxurious private United jet has voluntarily elected to come from San Antonio to Palm Beach for a destination wedding, changing planes in Houston. They have decided to expose themselves, in other words, to every respiratory virus that exists anywhere in half of the U.S. (other guests also traveled in). They’re protecting themselves from exposure on four crammed flights, three airports, one hotel, and multiple restaurants with comfortable non-professionally fit masks.

A 0.5x perspective


11 thoughts on “Meet in Las Vegas this week?

  1. That seat is more like a branch. Greenspun needs 2 modern seats to fit in there. The struggle of air travel is yet another burden of marriage.

  2. @philg did you strike up a conversation with her about masks in general and how she feels and why she’s still wearing them after all this time? Not to mention next to someone who wasn’t wearing one? She doesn’t appear to be under any undue duress, but at the beginning of covid the situation might have caused a big stir.

    • I did not question her religious belief in the mask totem. We just chatted about the wedding and the leisure activities surrounding it.

  3. We finally, have a picture of Greenspun that we can zoom in on really close!! 🙂

    I was looking for a #Rainboo tattoo, somewhere on Greenspun neck, but couldn’t find one.
    Maybe it is hidden away on his foot?!

  4. Somehow this is exactly how I’ve pictured “Dr” Phil the past couple of years — a smarmy smug know-it-all who understands everyone’s exact health risk tolerance. And if it is not the same as his, they are always in the wrong, in every circumstance. There can be no tolerance for a variety of perspectives.

    Maybe this couple is flying to see their very sick relative before they pass. Maybe their grandchild is getting married after putting it off for two years, but wants to do it before granny can’t travel anymore. Maybe…

    And there is “Dr” Phil, basking – no, gloating – in his malignant pleasure to potentially transmit a deadly disease to this elderly couple. This must be the way to right-wing enlightenment. You know — in general simply be a jerk.

    Last week someone came to my office for a meeting wearing a mask. I didn’t examine it to the nth degree to determine its efficacy. I offered to put mine (N95) on too if it would make them more comfortable, which they declined but thanked me for being considerate. “Dr” Phil would’ve coughed in their direction with this same sh*t-eating grin on his face.

    To each his own — but it’s not the path I choose.

    • You are a great humanitarian, Mike. As a modern day Albert Schweitzer, I am sure that had you been in 9A you would have been prepared with an N95 mask and would have put it on.

      I think you are lacking in the spirit of the true Covidian, however. This couple didn’t mention any near-death relatives whom they were visiting. But even if such existed, the Covidian would say that they should die alone in a hospital without visitors, as was the standard practice in lockdown states circa 2020. Preventing community spread of Covid is more important than whether a dying hospital patient has company.

    • This was so moving… Mike, you should be working at Wa Post, nay, NYT, nay – be Biden’s speechwriter!
      And you are so considerate! I am wondering what would have happened if a person in your office’d worn MAGA hat. Would you have proposed to don one too? You know, out of consideration?

    • @Mike, the fact that you are not wearing a custom fitted N95 mask, in your office all the time, you could be spreading COVID[Fear] to whoever visits your office. Your behavior of offering to put on your used, none custom fitted N95 mask AFTER the fact that someone walked into your office, is akin to a surgeon putting on protective gown and gears right in the operating room.

      Please help us stop the spread of COVID[Fear] and wear a custom fitted N95 mask at all times, everywhere.

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